Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Rachel tries to hide her grin as I frantically pace the room. She's enjoying watching me struggle through my Heat as it peaks. I'm desperate to just end it all.

"Stop it," I growl as I hunch over. My insides are cramping up, like someone has turned on a jackhammer or an industrial-sized mixer.

"Sorry," She raises her hands up, "Do you want me to get you anything?"

I laugh through the pain, "A cliff to jump off of?"

Truthfully, I want to get Jace. I just really need him by my side. I've gone through the cramps and Heat before but not without him. It seems so much harder now that he isn't with me. There's no distraction.

I haven't slept at all in the past two days. It was too hot. I feel like I'm in a sweltering sandstorm. Not even the cold showers or dumping ice over my body is helping anymore.

In my sleep deprivation and hormonal desperation, my mind has begun to rationalize Jace's actions. Part of me is appalled by this need to be close to him right now—part of me doesn't care anymore.

I'm so uncomfortable that I'd do almost anything to end it.

Rachel sighs as I glance at my phone again, "Just call him, Amelia. The Order can't track the phone Mira gave him."

"He won't answer," I whisper, "He hasn't been ever since we left. And I don't blame him—I left him there—"

My stomach lurches as I cramp up again, and I cover my mouth with my hands. Rachel leans forward, ready to grab my sorry ass to the bathroom to spew my guts out if need be. But we both settle down after a couple seconds.

"You had to, Amelia. And it's not like he didn't deserve it," She's soft-spoken, rubbing her stomach gently. Her body is still tender after her own peak. "But you two are still mates, regardless of whether you're a Prophet. Regardless of what he's done...He'll help you in your time of need."

"Why don't I believe you," I laugh sullenly. I slam my fist against the wall as another cramp rips my insides apart, "Fuck! How is this natural? This isn't natural—no one should put up with this stupid pain and call it normal—"

"It's the curse of being a Wolf," She murmurs quietly in that voice she uses every time she's about to quote something from the stupid Lunar teachings they preach in Breccia like a sermon. "The Moon tests us every season with temptation. We have to make the choice to resist or to give in it—"

"Temptation?" I scoff, "Temptation from what?"

"It's like how some of the humans have the story of Adam and Eve. We have our own—of the Hunter and the Wolf," She says defensively, "They both gave up on Nature to be together, and were punished for it—"

"A wolf...and a hunter?" I arch an eyebrow, "That doesn't sound legal—"

"I'll tell you more when you're not going to make fun of it," Rachell huffs, "For a Prophet, you're not very faithful."

"Not much reason to be," I growl but our argument is cut short by another wave of spasms. I bite my lip and scream.

The door opens abruptly, and we both jump back. I prop myself against the couch arm while Rachel stands up and snarls in warning. Once mine and Rachel's Heats started worsening, Adrian posted Sentries outside the apartment. But they shouldn't be coming up here...

"Oi, you two," Mac walks through and I'm half-ready to throw him down the stairs. Rachel is already mid-shift and ready to tear whoever comes into this apartment in half. "We need to use this place for...tonight..."

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