Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

"Have your visions come back?" Eamonn is handing me the notes he and I have been working on the past months. Much to my surprise, my young friend has a lot of strings to pull on in the pack and was able to have neighboring settlements to send their archives and genealogy charts. "You've been quiet ever since you came back from the you're not listening to just what we can hear. And then you saw my vision during Yule..."

It's true that ever since my time in the mountains—and my horrifying vision of Cecily—my clairvoyant powers have reawakened tenfold. The spirits are louder than ever—the visions are becoming hard to stave off again. I can sense that there is something they want to show me...something that I'm missing that is in plain sight.

"I had a vision when I was away...about my ancestor. But I'm not sure how it has anything to do with the problems we're having now," It's the truth. What did Cecily's tragedy have to do with Orion's vengeance on The Moon—other than him torturing her? It told me nothing of the initial grudge or grievance...I was getting tired of watching history repeat itself.

All that I could see was the pain and tragedy laid out for so many of the reincarnations before me.

I leaf through the pages Eamonn handed me, "Did you find any relatives?"

He shakes his head, "No. It looks like the only relatives I have in the pack are from Da's side."

He's right—Eamonn and Adrian have plenty of cousins, aunts, and uncles to call family. But there is no one related to Cynbel. Which means that my plan to track a separate genealogy tree is null and void.

"There has to be a better way finding out who this Asena is," I toss the papers to the side and groan loudly, "This is so stupid and frustrating! What's the point of being able to see into the past if I can't see what I need to see!"

Eamonn gathers up the mess I've created, "It's annoying."

I watch him quietly pile up all the papers. He doesn't complain—gosh, he's such a sweet kid. I ruffle his hair and help him put everything back in the neat piles we had created.

"Maybe it's something I'll be able to do eventually...I can only hope because I have no idea what to do otherwise. I don't know—maybe this is something I need to put off until I'm at The Order," They would certainly have records of all the past High Prophets and priestesses that walked through their doors. They might even know who Asena. But this search for a needle of a haystack is proving pointless...I simply don't have the skills or resources to find this next piece.

Eamonn smiles at me, "You haven't had a lot of fun—that's your problem, Amelia! Even Da plays. He and Ki and Mac don't work all day—but you do!"

He stands up and tugs on my hand. I don't fight him. There's some truth to his words. Ever since Steph died, I've done nothing but fret and worry and work. Where has that gotten me—more questions with no one to answer them.

Everything will come in due time. For the first time in months, I hear the slithery whisper of Hekate's voice. I turn around but she's nowhere to be seen...

"What should we do then, Captain Fun?"

"Oh—you'll see!"

+          +          +

"Come on, Amelia! You can do it!" Eamonn chants.

"Eamonn—how is this supposed to be fun?"

"You'll feel so much better once you do it!"

Despite the fact that the weather is no longer suitable for swimming, he has made it his personal mission to help me overcome my fear of water. But so far I haven't made it past my calves. Past there is the drop-off. I can't see anything other than a deep, dark blue.

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