"That's the best you can do?" I asked as Yutaka growled a little, annoyed with me already.

"Don't hold back on her." Yutaka said as the two guys cracked their joints.

I sighed.

Here we go again.

- -  Time skip - -

I coughed up blood, laughing.

"Come on guys, this the best you got?" I asked just as a fist slammed into my face, snapping my head towards the side.

I groaned, already knowing that there were plenty of bruises over my face.

"Little unfair don't you think." I asked Yutaka who was in the corner of the room.

"I'm chained up while your henchmen are beating the shit out of me." I said as the young gang leader ground his teeth together.

Everything hurt like hell.

I'm sure I've broken a few ribs.

But I kept the mask on, not ready to give him the pleasure of seeing how much pain I was in.

Morita Yutaka clenched his fists together, marching up to me as I braced myself for the pain but a very loud alarm broke out.

"Warning. Warning." The voice spoke over and over again in the cell.

"Huh?" I said as I looked at Yutaka.

He had his phone pulled out, dialling someone as he impatiently tapped his foot on the ground.

"Caleb, what the hell is happening?" Yutaka screamed into the phone in English as I tried to listen in.

However, one of the thug kicked me in the stomach, making me cough a couple of times.

"Bitch." He said as I smirked, looking up at him.

"I don't think you know what a bitch is, maybe you didn't go to school, but bitch is a term when referring to a female dog-" I started but the same thug punched me in the face, harder than before.

"Ow." I said, opening my jaw a little as it ached in pain.

"What do you mean someones intruded on us? Kill them!" Yutaka said furiously, the complete opposite he was at the ball.

I chuckled, ignoring the warning glares I got from my attackers as I looked at Yutaka.

"See, you made one mistake." I said as Yutaka snapped furious icy-blue eyes towards me.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Yutaka asked as I shrugged the best I could without causing too much pain.

"Not much. Like I said, your mistake." I repeated as Yutaka grabbed the strap on my shoulder, bringing me close to his face.

"What the hell did you do?" Yutaka seethed at me as I grinned.

"Tracker." I said calmly as Yutaka glared at me.

"Liar, you have nothing on you." Yutaka said as I nodded.

"True, but what about inside my mouth?" I asked as Yutaka's eyes widened in shock.

"Ha, look at that I've outsmarted you." I said in triumph as Yutaka dropped me to the ground.

"A tracker at the back of my jaw, set in between two teeth, only sets off when you get punched in the face extra hard." I said as I nodded to the two men.

"Thanks to them, it sent a signal to someone you don't really want to meet." I said as Yutaka growled before pressing his ear against his phone again.

"Caleb, order everyone to escape. There is nothing we can do against that Black Caped Beast." Yutaka said, locking eyes with me.

Akutagawa x Reader [Nakahara Y/n]Where stories live. Discover now