Chapter 20

5K 137 11

Tuesday 12th October 20XX

A week and half has passed, the progress between Bakugo and Izuku have been visible even to the parents eyes,  they stared from time in confusion of their sons actions, wondering if it was really their son. However, they knew it was, his loud booming voice that sounded, his overpowering pheromones and his intimidating glare that Izuku had managed to get sort of comfortable with.

Mitsuki had often came back from work finding the pair in eachothers arms on the couch, the Tv always playing an advert, she chuckled to herself before covering the two to keep them warm during the October month, and left them instead of waking them up. To her it looked like Katsuki had grown more attached and warmed up to the Omega and it was great progress. 

Katsuki argued as the usual, but when he was so distracted and Mitsuki asked for something, he wouldn't hesitate to pass it or give a helping hand, something about Izuku's presence as an Omega changed Katsuki, he may have not realised but everyone else had.

But this wouldn't last forever...not without climbing a large obsticle.

Mitsuki made it into work this morning, it being ten thirty, on her exact time as always, being punctual as she always was. A female called out to her. ''Mitsuki! You're here'' She exclaimed, catching up to Mitsuki who put her things down and sat at her desk, she glanced and nodded her head.

''What's the matter?'' She asked, confused at her employee who was panting out of breath. ''These men came in and gave us this'' She spoke out, handing Mitsuki paper which the blonde woman took and read.

Wanted: Izuku Midoriya. An Omega that had run away from it's owners, We are looking and soon will be knocking and searching every house to find the Omega that belongs to us. We miss him dearly, we hope to find him soon, and if you had spotted him anywhere please contact: 81 xxxx xxxxx

Mitsuki read every word, blinking making sure it was the right thing, looking at the picture as if it were a prison photo. It was Izuku.

''Okay, what am i supposed to do with this? We're a company not local authorities'' Mitsuki spoke. She was quite good in hiding things, She was an alpha, never suspected. ''I'm not sure, i thought you'd like to know'' The woman spoke, Mitsuki place the paper on her desk. ''If that's all, thank you, you may get back to work'' The woman bowed to Mitsuki before leaving the Blondes office.

Mitsuki glanced at the paper back again before sighing. Izuku and her son had bonded, deeply and she highly doubted her son would now let him go. but if it were the case where she had to gove Izuku back, she wasn't going to let him go easily, not without a fight, if going to court had to be the case, she would happily do so, all she cared for was her son to be happy and she wasn't going to let ANYONE take that away from him. She made a call to her husband, updating him on the matter.

Meanwhile, back at home.

The omega's laughter filled the air, the sound of clothes ruffling against the bedsheets. The alpha was currently on top of His Omega, digging his fingers into his sides, not so aggressively. Katsuki had grown on Izuku, not being able to leave his omega's side, knowing when he felt down. Even if they had a few moments where they were fuming at eachother, Katsuki always made sure they communicated, always approaching the omega first.

He no longer wanted to call Izuku The Omega, he wanted a different title, calling his omega The Omega was slightly disrespectful, it was as if he didn't see his omega as human.

''My pet'' He mumbed, causing Izuku to stop his giggling and his face to fall red. ''eh?'' Izuku asked in question, causing Katsuki to look in question, he did not just say that out loud he thought. He cleared his throat. ''I wanna give you a nickname...and pet came to mind'' He looked away, Izuku sat up from his laying down position, positioning himself on his elbows.

''I..I guess i don't mind..'' Izuku mumbled, breaking eye contact, the alpha's ears perked up as he stared in surprise. ''What really? i can call you my pet?'' He asked as Izuku nodded, causing the alpha to pounce onto him, pinning his arms to the sides of his head. 

"My pet, I like it" Katsuki spoke as if he were a dog with a tail wagging, his face revealed satisfaction in the suggestion which made Izuku blush and nod in agreement. Seeing the alpha smile amd finally find some sort of comfort made Izuku feel warm in the stomach, making it flutter.

"When's your heat?" Katsuki questioned, he didn't note down the date Izuku was on it, he didn't know they'd be this far into their...relationship, they weren't just together yet but things were going great.

"I'm not sure...but my scent should get sweeter..." Izuku mumbled, upset he didn't know any information on Omegas or himself in general, Katsuki only nodded.
"Don't sweat it I guess" The blond mumbled before getting off.

The two spent their time in bed, Izuku was sleeping much better, and they were expecting another visit from Mitsuki's doctor soon, Tenya Iida.
Izuku was nervous for that time. But he was promised to have Katsuki beside him so he felt stronger having the alpha around.

"Sleep pet" Katsuki spoke, realising the yawn that escaped Izuku which caused Izuku to chuckle as the blond squeezed his nose. Cute.
Katsuki thought.

He didn't regret giving the omega another chance.

To be continued...

•My pet• BakuDeku; OmegaVerseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora