Chapter 5

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Awakening, Izuku' eyes fluttered open as he felt a soft surface and he felt...warm instead of cold. Sitting up he realized he was on the bed again...was that a dream?...

The door opened as it revealed a blond holding a plate of pancakes that the odour reached to Izuku' smelt fresh and incredibly good.

"Oh you're awake" the blond said, he sighed as he got out a table and placed it on the bed  putting the plate of pancakes down onto it.

"It's pancakes made with bananas, also cut some strawberries, placed some blueberries and some bananas for you so it can fill you up, eat as much as you can" the blond spoke, it's as if he were presenting it to a food critic.

Izuku picked up the fork and the knife which he hesitantly picked up as he had bad memories with it and cut into the pancake seeing the steam escape from it.

Glancing at the blond he was eating a bowl of cut up fruits just like Izuku and he smiled...he hasn't smiled for a while.

Taking a fork full of pancakes and fruits he put it in his mouth only to have various amounts of flavours explore his mouth, it all tasted incredibly good and to think about it..he was quiet hungry when he woke up.

"Thank you" Izuku said as the blond glanced over, he didn't respond but only nodded before hooking his attention back to the TV.


Soon enough Izuku only left a little, he ate the fruits though since the blueberries were sour and the strawberries were sour too with a sugary coat on it which balanced it out.

Katsuki walked over. "Done?" He asked as he gained a light nod from the omega.
"Sorry ..I didn't finish" Izuku apologized, the blond wanted to smile however he held it in.
He grabbed the fork as he took the last piece of pancake into his mouth. "It's cool, you ate" the blond spoke before taking the plate and leaving the room.

Izuku was left alone as he was sat on the bed..the taste of the pancakes and the fruits still lingered in his mouth ... he's never had breakfast this good ..he was usually given, bread, some mushed potatoes and some chicken...none of it seasoned .his stomach didn't digest it well but it was still food he could handle.

He glanced around...the room was tidy and it smelt nice..
He stood out of bed however he crumbled to the floor for some unknown reason..nothing hurt him but his knees gave out.

The alpha entered seeing the omega on the floor and he rushed over helping him up. "T-Thanks" Izuku stuttered, the blond didn't reply he just sighed as he walked over to his desk, taking a seat.

"I have a question" the alpha spoke as Izuku glanced confused...just what could it be? He didn't have a bad feeling but it wasn't really good..either.

"Why were you in the bathroom? Passed out" the blond asked as he looked at Izuku to see his reaction. Meanwhile Izuku' eyes widened...he couldn't possibly tell him he had a dream about the blond raping him...his lips quivered.

"I- I had a bad dream" Izuku spoke as he didn't look up and only played with the hem of his shirt. "Which was?" The blond asked.

Katsuki got angry, he hated the silence, just what dream could he possibly have had that was so bad.

Furious the blond grabbed the omega,His fist holding on tightly to the hoodie the he wore on his slender body. "Not fucking difficult is it?!" The alpha spoke his voice harsh and cold.

With more fright Izuku' eyes watered and tears fell as it stained his cheek. He was scared...

The alpha held him for a little more before pushing him and letting go as the omega fell onto the floor "whatever, just be glad your ass didn't freeze" he spoke before he left the room leaving the omega in tears.

He couldn't tell if it was better here or...better back there...however he knew it was way better where he was..only by a bit.

Katsuki on the other had left the room annoyed and angry as he went to the living room sitting on the living room on the couch.

The mood changed quick between them two..of course Katsuki' didn't get on with Omegas, he only sheltered the omega because he was told to.

Whereas Izuku went into the bathroom and wiped his tears seeing his puffy eyes and he couldn't help but tear up as he saw himself...he was so hideous....

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