🎃Halloween Special🎃

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As the blond walked with his friend home they were planning to go trick or treating, him Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero.

However Katsuki' mind was elsewhere, he was thinking about Izuku, his Omega, or what he called his omega, he had gotten used to calling him that now.

A hand was waving Infront of his face furiously and soon he now noticed.

"Quit fucking waving your hand in my face" the blond spoke quiet annoyed by the continuous action. "Sorry you were just zoned out man" the red haired male spoke as the blond rolled his eyes.

They all separated ways and Katsuki was left walking alone as he pulled his phone out putting his earbuds in and as he was about to put some music on he saw a caller ID

my Omega
Is calling...

He picked up as he heard sobbing through the phone and immediately began running his way back home..
It was pretty natural for Izuku to have either a panic attack or anxiety attack, which lead to hyperventilation.

As the blond ran getting random stares he pulled out his keys as he heard the call end and his hand shook from the cold air as it hit his warm hand.

Finally as he opened the door he slammed it slipping his shoes off and ran straight to his room opening it and dropping his bag as he saw his omega in the corner of the room, hugging his knees to his chest as he was tugging on his hair.

The blond ran to him as he got on his knees pulling the small petite figure that had gotten muscle from him being fed meat and other necessities that his body needed.

He felt the body shake in his grasp as he rubbed soothing circles on the greenettes back as he felt his shoulder get warm from the tears that trickled down the omegas eyes.

The arms that were wrapped around his neck were holding on for dear life as if Katsuki would disappear if Izuku let go.

Izuku shook violently as he held tightly onto the blond, he didn't want to let go and he told himself he wouldn't let go.

"Look it's alright I'm here and I'm not going anywhere"  the blond comforted as the grip on him didn't get weaker. " Can you breath with me?" The blond asked as Izuku allowed some space between them to be made.

The alpha smiled as he used his hand to caress the omegas cheek wiping it's warm surface as the Omega stared into his eyes seeing the beautiful red colour beginning to soothe him and he focused on the blond's chest as it would rise up as he breathed in and decrease as he would breath out and he copied just that.

"Good job" the alpha praised as he saw a smile plaster on the omega's face.


Soon enough Izuku calmed down and smiled as he hugged the blond's neck once again.

"You want to go trick or treating?" The blond asked as Izuku backed away. "T-trick or treating?" He spoke back in question.

Yes Izuku didn't know what it was, he knew people celebrated it but never understood it.

"Yeah" the blond spoke as Izuku nodded indeed happy.

"We'll only be walking around and give candy to children if you like? Yeah, and later the others want to play Ding dong ditch and want to egg some houses" the blond spoke as Izuku' eyes sparkled with excitement and nervousness.

"Isn't that bad? What if someone gets hurt" Izuku asked in worry.

The blond smiled. "That's why we have you, you're an Omega, even if you haven't bandaged someone up before, you'll be good at doing it despite it being your first time" the blond spoke as he kissed Izuku' neck gently.

The omega purred and was happy...he had never done anything like it and it got him excited.


As Izuku was ready he didn't really dress up of course, he only wore a collar just so it signified to any other alphas that he was taken (even if he wasn't)

The alpha didn't have to dress up, he only made his ears and tail visible followed on by his teeth that were sharp and sharp claw like nails.it was good enough.

"You ready?" The alpha asked as he walked behind the omega hugging his stomach pulling their bodies so they were touching. Izuku nodded.


With that Izuku and Katsuki were with the others as it was dark at around six, Izuku hated the dark but having the alpha around him soothed him knowing he had a protector.

Children came up to Izuku to take a picture however he refused to as he didn't want any pictures taken of him as he had to be cautious as he was on the wanted list for trafficking.

They handed out sweets to kids and Mina, Kaminari kept themselves around Izuku constantly playing with his hair and complimenting him which made Izuku crumble and blush like a strawberry.

Katsuki on the other hand was happy as he held the greenettes hand comforted having him around and knowing he was around.

Unfortunately Halloween would come to an end, and it wouldn't last forever sadly ....


•My pet• BakuDeku; OmegaVerseWhere stories live. Discover now