Chapter 9

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Katsuki's POV:

What the hell is wrong with me, as soon as I see the old hang pet him just as I did I feel jealous all of a sudden, which pisses me off and I don't know why...

Leaving the house washes a relief over me and I no longer feel jealous...just why did I feel jealous... She was only petting him and helping him sleep and here I am being jealous...

I sigh incredibly loud and I walk making sure to look where I'm going.

His scent was...nice and smelt nice and fresh.

Wait no I'm probably just saying this because I'm going to go into a rut..or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me...

The more I try to fool my mind I know that what I think is just being said as I refuse the fact that I may have taken a liking to him.

I suddenly bump into someone and I back off glaring at them to only realize it's my friend Kirishima...oh...

3rd Person

As the two males bump into each other, the red-haired alpha only smiles a surprised look on his face.

"Oh hey, Bakubro!? Didn't expect you here" He spoke as the blond rolled his eyes and sighed relieved it was not another stranger.

"Hi..." The blond replied as he looked down.

Immediately the Alpha knew something was wrong with his hot-tempered friend.

"What's wrong you look like you have a load on your mind?" The male asked as the blond sighed before walking to the gym, having the other alpha follow him as if he were a puppy.

"So what's wrong man?" The red-haired alpha pries as the blond stretches making sure when he lifts the weights he won't pull a muscle as he has done it and was bedridden for two weeks.

"Nothing.." he replied.

Of course, the red-haired alpha didn't believe him one bit.

''look man I know something is bothering you, you can talk to me'' The male spoke as the blond sighed before sitting down, finally giving in.

''There's this Omega...and I don't know but...I have the need to care for him, protect him, it's so fucking stupid'' The blond complained, finally able to open up as the other alpha listened to him, soon a smile appeared on his face and he couldn't help but feel like his friend was stupid.

''you think?'' he asked confusion in his tone.

The male however had never seen his friend so confused, the look in his eye, the concentration his eyes held.

''Of course, but moreover, I think you should go to your therapy, to talk y'know'' Kirishima spoke as the blond sighed.

The gym was empty for most of it, the lights on as they were bright, the mirrors that were reflecting the weight equipment, and it was only the two alphas there.


The alpha was sat on a couch, pretty comfy if you could say.

The male sat on the seat fixing up his glasses and with that, he smiled.

''Right what seems to be the problem Katsuki?'' The voice spoke as the blond glanced at him before sinking into the seat, getting all the lot more comfortable.

''It's an omega'' He started as the male took a note before nodding his head, allowing him to continue further. 

"I feel weird, and I hate it" he spoke further as a frown formed on his face, the image of the Omega had popped into his head, with that he felt soft, but he shook his head.

"Describe it to me" the male spoke as he took notes.

Unsure of what he was taking note of, the movement of his pen across the clipboard was heard and seen.

"Tch I don't know, I feel soft inside it's weird, I want to care, I feel jealous" The sound of his voice was annoyance followed on with uncertainty as he describe those specific emotions.

"You said an Omega?" The older spoke as he placed his clipboard down and stared at the blond.

The two were alphas, however they didn't have a hatred for eachother, they didn't have the need to fight for position, they didn't lead a pack either, except for Katsuki.

"Yeah.." he confirmed as the man smiled, for the first time.

"What're you smiling about old, sleep deprived, man?" The blond insulted making the man chuckle and he sighed.

"You really are naive" He spoke back as the blond glared however it eased.

" something wrong with me?" The male was worried for his own health.

The curly black-haired alpha shook his head as he fixed his glasses and grabbed his pen.

"Seems to me that you're going into that faze of being an alpha" He spoke


The sound of footsteps trotting along the pavement was the only thing heard, along with some crunchy leaves that were crushed beneath the alphas combat boots.

His eyes hadn't left the floor at once as he was zoned out throughout the whole walk home.

There was nothing more that went through his head...other than the fact that he was being an alpha, finally breaking out of his shell and going with his alpha instincts.

Sensing how close he was home his heart increased in beats and his breathing got heavier.

He was nervous, agitated, sweating.

Seriously what was wrong with him.

As he approached the door to his home his body tensed up and his fangs immediately grew out of his mouth, sharp, dangerous and possessive.

The pheromones that had hit his nose as he stared at the sight of the green omega. Fear, trauma and tears.

With that the blond had rushed, his whole demeanor changed as he grabbed the omega in his arms in comfort.

Him, himself unsure of what the hell he was doing...

To be continued....

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