Chapter 7

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Sunday 26th September 20XX

Time: 7:12AM

Izuku shivered feeling the cold, he whimpered remembering he would now have a doctor that would come in to check him out with his pheromones and everything.

However he knew he could do it...he knows he would be okay but he couldn't help but feel nervous.

The alpha walked down the stairs as he saw what seemed to be the trembling omega, he sniffed not getting any sign of his heat or anything however he could smell stress and fell into comfort mode.

Before he could do anything other than care for the omega, he was already there on his knees as  his hand had been entangled into the omegas lock of hairs.

With that he had seen and smelt the omega calm down.

As Mitsuki made her way down she was shocked with the sight of her son caring for the omega. A smile caught on her face as she decided to go into the kitchen sneakily.

The alpha had only now admired the omega, and his scent was an incredibly alluring Mint scent, he loved it as it smelt fresh and original, he smiled.

Breaking out of his trance the alpha stood back onto his feet as he heard the Omega purr of satisfaction from the alphas continuous and gentle tugs that he had done on his hair.

Meanwhile the blond thought he had finally gone crazy, why was he so gentle with this Omega, why would he just suddenly want to care for him. Why did he have that urge.

"Good morning Katsuki" his mother spoke. Breaking him out of his that he described, hideous thoughts.

''Mornin..'' he replied as he walked away into the kitchen where Mitsuki had just came from, he didn't question anything he grabbed himself a glass water. ''I'm..going to the gym'' he continued as he walked up the stairs and the last thing you could hear was the door shut closed.

A sigh escaped Mitsuki' lips as she smiled, her son looked so vulnerable at the specific moment, walking over she saw the omega fidget before she replaced Katsuki and started gently patting his head, he stopped moving and his soft, quiet breaths escaped from his parted lips.

The blond threw on some shorts and a black tank top as he walked downstairs seeing his mother pat the omega gently and caress him which had caused him to get angry for some unknown reason and with that he rushed himself out of the house.




Time: 11:32AM

'' he'll be here soon Izuku okay?'' Mitsuki spoke as she saw the omega get visibly nervous. She sat next to him pulling him into an embrace.

Despite knowing the doctor was a Beta and incredibly smart for his knowledge, even if Mitsuki knew him for years it still wasn't helping, the omega was trembling, he didn't know the man.

As a knock broke Izuku from his overthought thoughts he glanced with wide eyes as tears had now flown down his face.

Mitsuki stood from the couch, as much as she didn't want to let Izuku go...she had to, and she opened the door as she was greeted with a man that had blue hair, blue eyes and glasses, he used his finger to adjust them once again as he had always done.

''come in Mr.Tenya'' She offered as the man nodded and entered, Izuku on the other hand had hidden himself inside the covers as if it would help.

''I apologise for his behaviour..he's quiet scared of alphas..even though you're not one'' she spoke, she was quiet embarassed never the less however the male opposite her shook his head. ''Not a worry at all'' he spoke as a smile filled his expression.

Taking a seat on the one that was placed by the couch he placed his case down and leaned placing his elbows on his knees.

''Hi there'' he greeted softly tugging at the covers that had protected Izuku, The omega allowed it as he stared with teary eyes seeing the male smile kindly, kinder than he has ever seen.

Sniffles were heard as the man took out a tissue and dried his cheeks gently along with his eyes.

''Izuku right?'' asking the Omega nodded calming down, however his beating heart didn't slow in pace. He was nice...or so he looked..

''I'm Tenya Iida, i'll be asking you some questions that you can nod to if you don't want to speak, is that fine with you?'' He spoke in profession as Izuku nodded.

''right'' he replied as he took out a water bottle that was capped, handing it over to Izuku, The omega inspected it as he opened it hearing a click knowing he hadn't opened it and it was safe to he did.

Mitsuki meanwhile sat around for a while, listening in and awaiting for Katsuki's arrival as he said he would be home in about five minutes.

''You're an Omega?''

Izuku Nodded.

''how old are you?'' he asked.

Izuku held a one followed on by a six.

The male wrote away on the clip board he held in his hand.

''Do you have an alpha?''

Izuku shook his head as he glanced down.

''do you have an alpha in mind?'' He asked.

Izuku thought for a while before going straigh to Katsuki, however he shook his head.

''Have you had your heats yet?'' 

Izuku nodded.

''Are they irregular?''

He nodded again.

Questions were thrown back and forth as the omega nodded to each on or shook his head.

''Okay, now to stabalise your heat i'm going to need to inject you-'' Whimpers were heard from the Omega as the male stared wide eyed at the needle the Beta held it between his index and middle.

Pheromones had started spreading as they were mostly distress and fear,Tears and memories had flashed back to Izuku.

As the memory of a mysterious alpha appeared in front of him he whimpered backing away, his feet and arms in shackles as he sat on the cold, tiled floor nakedly, his mouth taped as his whimpers were muffled, the pain of the needle entering his arm sent a shock through his body as he moved away causing the needle to escape.

The alpha shoved him into the cold floor as he felt blood seep onto the floor as the needle had entered his arm once again-

Silence filled the room soon...Izuku was wide eyed as he couldn't explain what was going on right now...he felt lips on his...that belonged to the one and only....


Katsuki Bakugo

A/N:And SIMPPS what do you think of that HeHeHeHeHe?

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