Chapter 4

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Soon enough the greenette finished the soup, it tasted really good and the flavour was all there..Katsuki took the bowl down to the kitchen.

Izuku didn't speak much, it's as if he were mute, not like Katsuki minded since he didn't really want to talk to the dumb Omega.

The Omega was now In his care, and he was unsure of why it had to be in his care? But he loved it, this Omega would now be his pet. As that is what he thought.

He returned back to the room as he sat on his desk, he hadn't felt bad one bit for the Omega well maybe a little...but just how bad could his life be.

Okay maybe it was bad...

In this world omega' were seen as Sex toys for men, especially alphas that were desperate, and all the omega would have to do is stay with that alpha give them a child and take care of it, male or female omegas both were seen the same except most alphas craved for a male omega.

It was hard for an Omega to get a job considering they had a heat cycle that fucked them over, so it would be difficult for them to work, however their pheromones could bring in more alpha' to work which was an advantage in a way.

Jobs for an Omega didn't really exist, as they were of course seen inferior than alphas and even betas. Most omegas were hiding though, they had lied about their secondary gender to get into work but before they knew it they were kicked out.

And of course high rates of rape were mostly omegas as they were what an alpha wanted, and most alphas would make dumb excuses saying "they wanted it", "they used their pheromones on me", "they asked for it" ect. When in reality all alphas were just desperate for sex.

Izuku saw Alphas as his eyes they were disgusting...sinful... intimidating and he had wished they were all wiped out from the earth.

Izuku shook his head breaking from his trance as he saw the blond walk over and got into bed comfortably. "I'ma go sleep" the blond said as Izuku nodded his head.

He couldn't help but think the worst...what if this alpha right beside him had wanted to take advantage of him? Had wanted to do unimaginable things with him...and he was just waiting for the right chance...yeah he wasn't going to sleep.


The blond thrusted Inside the greenette...Izuku knew it, he knew the blond had no good intentions yet he still fell for it...he cried as he felt pain.
He wanted to give up.

Izuku eyes shot open incredibly fast as his breathing was heavy, he stared beside him to see the blond peacefully sleeping, and finally Izuku breathed calmly.

(Heh you guys thought? Did I get you on that one?)

Steadily Izuku got out of bed as tears had rolled down his eyes...what a nightmare he thought..

He walked to the bathroom that was located inside the room and locked it as he sat on the cold floor with the lights off and he tucked his knees into his chest.

He slowed his breathing and stopped the tears rolling down his face, his face became warm.

He couldn't believe he fell asleep...and his dream was horrible..what if it ended up really happening..more tears rolled down his face..
He was so lonely..he had only now realised...he had no one.


Date: Saturday 25ᵗʰ September 20XX
Time: 6:40AM

Katsuki yawned as he heard was so nice and warm under the covers he didn't feel like getting up, however he knew he had to..he had to work out and lift weights as he just had his day off yesterday and the day before that he had lifted.

Sitting up he stretched his muscles feeling them click and hearing them felt so good, however he had noticed his bed was empty..and the omega wasn't there anymore.

Despite that he couldn't care less, he got up as he walked to his wardrobe taking out a black tank top with some shorts as he went to the bathroom...however it was the omega was in there...

"Oi, how long?" Katsuki asked...but no reply.. oh what could be taking that damn omega so long Katsuki thought.

Finally he decided to get his key for the bathroom and he did, he walked over unlocking it and he saw the omega Lying dead on the floor..was he dead? The blond thought.

He approached the omega and kneeled down checking his pulse to see he had still had it but as he touched the omega' body it was freezing cold.

"Just how fucking long were you in here?" He spoke out loud, he placed his arms under the body, lifting him up and only now realizing how light he was...he felt as he weighed at least twenty pounds...and he slightly looked like it too...just skin and bone.

Katsuki placed him under the covers...Izuku was bound to be sick, his immune system was probably weak as hell and so we're his bones. And Katsuki felt bad but he shook his head..

He couldn't just leave the Omega unsupervised..he knew he had to stay and so...he decided to take a day off just for this omega because of his stupidity of lying and sleeping on the cold bathroom floor.

Did he not like the bed? Why did he sleep in the bathroom? How come I didn't feel anything? Maybe he's just that light..

Hahaha BaluDeku SIMPPS predict what will happen next, I'd love to see how you guys think, and I hope you're enjoying this so far <3

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