One part of my brain told me to stay in bed and don't bother angering Baekhyun, but the other half was the rebellious side. She told me 'he'll never know, go have some fun at a different club and come back before he even realises you're gone'

I hadn't had a drink since Saturday and my nervous ticks where starting to annoy me. It's only one or two drinks, I'll be fine.

And with that, I stood from my new bed and tugged off my baggy jumper and shorts. Slipping into black satin dress, I wrapped a belt around my waist and threw my hair up into a messy pony tail.

After swiping on some eyeliner I finally made for the door, the black suede that was slung on the back of the couch caught my attention. It was Baekhyun's suit jacket that he decided he didn't need to wear for work tonight.

The slight draft caught my skin and made goosebumps rise, I quickly reached for the jacket and threw it on. The sweet smell of his cologne lingered on the smooth fabric, I quickly became intoxicated on his sweet candy scent from the very first interaction we had.

Making my way out of the house I made sure to lock everything, the tech on my wrist always acts as the key to Baekhyun's house. This man and his tech, I swear.

There was a club within walking distance from Baekhyun's massive mansion. It was known heavily for the psychedelics that are always passed around in the basment strip club. Its quite a disgusting place but the closest place beside that's one is Exo Planet, which I have been barred from.

I hug Baekhyun's jacket closer as I wait for the back door of the club to open so I can sneak in. There's no way in hell I'm standing in line to be charged insane amounts at the door. Once the heavy door was sung open and a staff member walked out holding garbage bags, I took that as my cue to sneak in.

Once I was finally into the crowed club with flicking strobe lights, my senses became hazy. I hadn't been to another club since that night two years ago, its only now I'm realising how relaxed and chilled out Exo Planet actually is.

Most people here already had their jaws swinging and eyes rolling back in their head, fog thickened the room from the smoke machine making it hard to breathe and the lights here are bound to cause an epileptic fit. Just a few drinks and I'm out of here.

I managed to down about three blueberry sours before I decided I couldn't enjoy myself with all my senses being knocked right and center. I spent the whole time at the bar sitting, and now that I was standing, I could feel the alcohol running through my body.

Exiting the club my body temperature start to heat up, I stripped Baekhyun jacket from shoulders and threw it over my forearm to carry. I didn't walk for very long before I started to hear the mumbles and grunts coming from side alley.

Being the nosy person I am, I sneakily poke my head around the corner while hiding there rest of my body behind the wall. Due to the little lighting in the area, I squinted trying to figure out what was happening.

A man sprawled against a dumpster was breathing heavy and grunting as he tried to move. He wore a disheveled suit, he looked in his mid thirties if I had to guess. A younger man stands before him, I immediately knew from the hot pink hair, that was bright even without light.

"You don't listen do?" Mark's voice that was slightly raspy, I'm guessing from beating the absolute shit out of this guy, echoed down the alleyway. "Lee doesn't like lateness." Mark sent a punch towards the man, landing straight on his jaw.

"I-I'm sor-sorr-sorry." The man whimpered out as he spat blood on the ground. I heard Taeyong's signature scoff has he swung his legs of the side of the dumpster he was sitting on. Mark crouched down in front of the man, grabbing a fistful of his hair.

"Lee has a good relation with Shinee Finance," Why does that ring a bell? Wait! Taemin?. "I'm sure your bosses would love to get you back in a body bag-" my body froze at a certain voice I knew to well.

"That's enough mark." Ten's voice resonates from the shadows as he pushed himself off the nearby wall. "He gets the message, next time we won't be so friendly." Taeyong jumping off the dumpster made a loud echo throughout the alley.

I took that as my cue to quit listening and start heading home, I have to tell Baekhyun. Wait, why wound I tell him?

I was dragged from my thought when a pair of large hands grabbed my shoulders and threw me back into the brick wall. My head throbbed from the impact and my right shoulder seared in pain. My hand went to back of head and felt the hot liquid drip from it.

My eyes were closed from the impact, but when my head was pushed against my head wedging it between the wall and my free arm, was now pinned, I quickly opened my eyes to see someone I wasn't expecting and didn't want to see.


He long poorly healed scar runs down over his now foggy right eye, he presses is body against mine. I try my hardest to get one of my hands free but am rendered immobilised. "Now, now little Chaeyeong. You always were a sight."

He moved to lean into my neck, my body reacted on it own and shot spit all over his face. He didn't react to the spit as I wanted him to, instead he pushed his body further into mine, pushing the sharp point of a knife I didn't know he was holding into my neck.

"That may have worked on me once, but not this time Lee." He pressed the point into my skin, the added pain made my mouth let out a low whimper. Lee, the name haunted me everywhere I went, I was used and abused because of that name.

My body fell to the floor, knees scraping against the hard concrete. Ragged breath escaped through my now dry lips, the oxygen clawed at my throat, ripping at the walls. My vision became even more blurry, I could make out my attacker on the floor groaning in pain.

Strong warm arms wrapped themselves around me, my eyes watered on their own, staining my checks as my heart beat pounded loudly on my ears. The non-existent walls felt like there were closing around me, making it harder to breath.

The arms around me tightened, one hand went up to my hair and started to stroke the now bloody locks. He moved from his crouching position to fully sitting, pulling me deep into him as he slightly rocked me back forth.

My heart beat started to slow down, breaking down the walls that threaten to close in on me. The claws that starched and pulled at my vocal cords were being swallowed down, making my airways open more, the oxygen that entered my lungs helps the tears stop falling from my eyes.

"It's okay, Bambi." My body stiffened as the sweet red liquorice scent invaded my nostrils. The signature nickname I acquired from him resonated in my ear drums. Baekhyun was actually here, sitting on the ground, cuddling me back to sanity. How on earth did he know I was here? Out of all the people to be here, I didn't expect the person who hated having me around.

I blinked away a few tears before tightly closing me eyes and burying my face into his now soaking chest. "Baekhyun." I whispered out. Feeling his body stiffen at my sudden affection.

"I'm here Chaeyeong, its okay. I'm not going anywhere." I've heard that before.

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