"Desperate? I'm sure you gave her the night of her life." He closes the door and goes to slide in behind the wheel.

  "You've met Coop." I nod my head. "She's the female version of Coop."

  "If that's the case, then I hope you didn't give her the night of her life or I may have to fight her for ya," I tease. 

  "No contest, love." He gives  me a playful wink before starting the engine. 

  "So how long were you on antibiotics then?" I can't help but joke with him about it. 

  His eyes narrow at me. "Not funny, Ope."

  I hold up my thumb and forefinger. "It was a little funny."

  He breathes out a huff of air, slowly shaking his head before putting the car in reverse. "Ready?"

  "Trip on!" I call out as I buckle my seat belt. 

  My enthusiasm was apparently short lived as I fell asleep to the lull of the car on the road, and Chris' soft singing of 80s tunes. 

  By the time my eyes flutter open the sun is piercing through the night, oranges and pinks adorning the expanse in front of us. "Morning again, gorgeous." 

  "Why didn't you wake me up?" I straighten myself up once I realize that I had actually pushed my seat back and was almost completely laying down. "Why don't I remember laying back?" My brows furrow as I realize I actually did not put my seat back.

  He glances over at me with a soft smile. "You fell asleep against the window. Looked like you were gonna end up with a pretty awful kink in your neck so when I got to a red light I adjusted you and put your seat back." 

  I'm sure I'm giving him big heart eyes at his admission. "By the way, you sleep a lot more soundly in a car."

  I nod shyly. "On a boat too. Airplanes if the flight is long enough. Never been on a train though but I imagine the same for it. Basically anything that keeps some type of motion."

  "So invest in a waterbed before the wedding? Got it," he says as he places his hand on my thigh.

  "Oh, please no," I say, shaking my head.

  "Bad experience with waterbeds?"

  I shiver as the memory comes back to the forefront of my mind. "So, Granny and Pops had a room just for me at their house even before my father left me." Those words still difficult to say aloud even if it's been over twenty-five years. "But they still had a room that was my dad's when he was growing up. He had a waterbed before marrying and moving out. Anyways, after begging and pleading Pops finally gave in and said when I turned six I could sleep on the waterbed. The night of my sixth birthday comes and they tuck me into the waterbed, give me kisses, say my prayers and leave the room. I fall asleep easily but wake up in the middle of the night feeling really sick. I knew something wasn't right so I tried to hurry and get out of the bed. I'd managed to get to the middle of the bed which mean it took a lot more effort and time since it was moving all around."

  "Oh, no," he mutters.

  "Big oh no. I got sick all over the bed. Needless to say, I have never slept on a waterbed again, and they drained it and got rid of it."

  "What a way to end your birthday. Sorry that happened to you, sweetheart." He lifts my hand, placing a kiss against my knuckles. 

  "Still better than my twelfth birthday."

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora