Chapter 20 - The Opal Storm Pack

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A few days had passed since Winter had last seen Arsen, she was waiting impatiently in front of the compound. She agreed with Arsen that he would meet her here to talk about the future of their packs and their future as mates. 

When Blade came into view with the delegation of the Opal Storm pack Winter felt relieved. Arsen had his ice cold alpha face on, she imagined it looked just like hers. Graham was by his side and looked curiously around. 

There were a couple more men in fighting gear, but what surprised Winter was that Arsen's delegation also contained two women. It was a nice surprise, she looked over at Blade and saw how nervous he was. 

"Alpha Arsen" Winter greeted.

"Alpha Winter." He replied. 

Winter escorted her guests inside over towards the pack hall, right until they stood in front of the round table. All wolves looked curiously at her and then one by one Winter's men walked in taking their seat. 

As Evelyn walked in something surprisingly happened a low growl was heard from inside the delegation and Arsen looked with a smile from Graham over towards Evelyn. It took Winter a second but as they approached each other it quickly became clear that they were mates. 

The moment mates meet for the first time is magical. Winter smiled and looked at Arsen, two more wolves found their mates. This would make things more easily. The wolves looked intrigued from Winter over towards the table. 

"We aren't a traditional pack" Winter started 

"But we like to examine the possibilities of us becoming one pack ruled under two alphas." 

The wolves around the table nodded their head. 

"Alpha Arsen and I discovered that we are mates, but neither of us wants to abandon our pack so we are here to see if there is a way in which we can work together and become one pack." 

Arsen's ice cold look had changed he held a sexy, nonchalant smile as he watched Winter. She was beyond sexy when the true alpha in her raised. 

"So, the idea is that we watch each other and see how this puzzle would fit and believe me when I say I want it to fit." Arsen added.

Arsen's wolves placed themselves around the table and looked curiously around. 

"Each person around the table is responsible for something." Winter started. 

"But the biggest difference is that we look for the wolf most fitted for the job in our pack. That means that every job and position is challengeable even mine." 

Winter looked at the wolves surrounding the table. 

"No bloodline, no superior position. The only thing that is stated is that the compound stays in my family as it has always been." 

Winter took a moment to let it all sink in. 

 "I suggest that each of us takes a moment to introduce themselves Luke and Blade are my right hand, you would call them beta or gamma. Maybe we can start there." 

As introductions were made Arsen and his men curiously watched them. Winter looked proud at her wolves and then over to Arsen. The look in his eyes sent shivers over Winter's body. 

"Why are you the alpha?" 

On of Arsen wolves asked challenging, immediately the whole table reacted by baring their teeth, not so friendly growls were thrown in his direction. 

"What is your name?" Winter asked. 

"Louis." The guy answered. 

"Louis, what is your function in the Opal Storm pack?" 

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