Chapter 24 - An encounter

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Winter ran through the woods in her wolf form. Enjoying the happiness of her wolves she felt across the pack link. 

The end of the week had approached a lot faster than she could have imagined. The pack meeting had gone really well, the two packs aligned quicker than she had expected. Off course there was still a lot of work, but a plan had become clear and all wolves knew what to do. 

What Winter had liked most about the meeting, except Arsen standing proudly united next to her, was the living solution they had come up with. The pack wanted to grow, so new living arrangements had to be constructed. Instead of choosing one of the two existing compounds and surrounding buildings, the plan was made to combine those two into one by building the new village between the two places. That way the pack would be joined together in every possible way. 

Winter smiled as she knew their wolves would work hard to make this work. She was greeted by a patrol group under the guidance off Graham. 

'Alpha' they greeted in unison.

Winter nodded her head in reply. 

'Care to join?' Graham asked. 

She joined the group as they trailed along the border, inspecting the odors and traces to check if anything was out of the order. 

'I am happy.' Graham suddenly said to Winter and her wolf looked at him. 

'I can see, Evelyn?' She asked. 

'Evelyn and my other alpha being happy.' He grinned. 

Winter smirked as they trailed through a slope in the landscape. 

'So, we are all part of the Winter Storm pack.' She added.

Suddenly Winter felt how her wolves got on edge, a mind-link entered her head as she heard Blade's voice. 

'Winter where are you?' he asked. 

'On patrol with Graham. East side of our territory.' She replied. 

'I need you on the south side and I need you quick.' He replied. 

'What's happening, why are you so on edge?' she asked. 

'We sniffed out royalty.' 

Winter felt nauseous at that response. 

'Who knows?' she asked. 

'Only silent wolves.' He responded. 

'Keep it that way, I don't need Arsen's jealousy for this conversation.' She replied. 

'He's not going to like it.' 

'I know, but that's my music to face.' She answered. 

'Graham take the wolves to the north, I am going to meetup with the patrol of the south.' Winter commanded. 

Graham nodded his head and let the rest of the wolves away from her. Winter felt how her wolf got on edge the more she approached Blade's location.

Winter spotted Blade's patrol group from a distance. They were standing face to face with a royal army in human form. Blade stood face to face with the king. Winter smirked as she quickly shifted back. She grabbed a long shirt, hidden inside one of the three trunks to cover herself up. She quickly made her way over towards Blade. 

She felt how she grew nervous, she needed to play her cards right, she couldn't afford a war with the king. Not now at least. The pack needed to be structured and function as one before she could risk that. 

The Whitefortis Alpha, Rewriting the rules.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें