Chapter 6 - Fight

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Jack grabbed Winter's arm and dragged her over to the bar. 

"Luke, tell her we can't let a woman fight." He said. 

Luke looked at Winter. 

"Why not? It's not like you are forcing her. From your conversation she clearly wants to. And you should be grateful, it will indeed bring a ton of money." 

Jack looked shocked at his brother.

"She is a woman for god's sake. You are supposed to be the wise one, you are my older brother. You need to tell me that this is a bad idea." He said. 

"Or we could try it once." Winter said. 

"I will not look at you beaten and bloody. Just because you are a stubborn woman." 

"Who says I will be the one covered in blood?" she asked. 

Luke smiled at her. 

"You are rather confident that you will win." He said with a smirk. 

"I am not, but I know what I am capable off and what my wolf is. And she has been begging me for a fight for the last couple of days." 

Winter closed her eyes to push the memories and the pain back. 

"What was your place in the pack?" Luke asked. 

"I had no specific place, but my brothers insisted that I learned to fight and defend myself. I quickly crossed ranks in our force even though my father forbade me receiving an official rank." Winter answered truthfully. 

"You should give her a chance." Luke said to Jack. 

"Have you lost it to?" 

He asked his brother and Winter snickered. 

"Jack, just give me a chance, if you don't like it, I will never ask to do it again. You can even watch me train if you want." 

She looked at him, his eyes were filled with worry. 

"Do you try to get yourself killed?" he asked. 

Winter smiled. 

"No I am not. I just try to find a way to move on."

Jack and Luke escorted Winter in the compound where the fighting pit was. 

"If we are going to do this, I'll pick your opponent, no discussion. Got it?" he asked her stern.

 Winter nodded her head. 

"And I will introduce you to our fighters. You think you have won jet? You still need to convince our fighters." 

She smiled at his response and followed the two men inside. Enrique, who she had saved earlier that day quickly ran over the moment he saw them. 

"Are you letting her fight?" he asked. 

"Easy Enrique." Jack said. 

"Yeah, I am schedule her against Vinnie." 

Winter heard Luke snicker behind her, she threw him a questioning look. 

"He is not taking any chance with you." He said with a smile. 

"Jack, you don't have to protect me or go easy on me." She said. 

He sighed. 

"You know what you agreed to." He replied. 

"How do I announce her?" Enrique asked. 

"Any suggestions Winter?" Jack asked her. 

"Maybe Summer." Enrique laughed feeling hilarious. 

"Hope" she answered stern. 

The Whitefortis Alpha, Rewriting the rules.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें