For some reason, Mori-san didn't want me to tell Akutagawa that I would be "luring" Morita Yutaka away.

I didn't know why he didn't want Akutagawa to know, but Bosses orders are Bosses orders. I won't question him.

We were both silent as we walked down to the entrance.

"You did get us a limo, right?" I asked as Akutagawa nodded briefly as I spotted the fancy black car.

The ride was also awkwardly silent, both of us lost deep in thought, staring out the windows on either side.

We kept driving, until I saw a huge mansion, eyes widening in shock.

To call it a mansion was underselling it.

It was a freaking castle.

You know in books where you read those fancy masquerade balls set up in a castle where there's the prince and the princess meet and fall in love?

Cringe, I know but holy shit it sure felt like it.

Minus the prince.

The gates were open and the limo drove around, pulling up to the massive fountain in the middle of the grounds and slowing to a stop as I sighed.

"Okay. So just get intel on Morita Yutaka and go back to Japan and tell Mori-san, right?" I lied through my teeth as Akutagawa nodded.

I thought I heard Akutagawa mumble something under his breathe but he opened the door to the limo, getting off.

I sighed, hoping this night wouldn't end horribly as I reached for the door on my end.

However, the door suddenly opened and I yelped in surprise when a gloved hand held out in front of me.

I blinked as I saw Akutagawa, looking at the castle, as if he was assessing everyone.

When I didn't move, Akutagawa dragged his steel-grey eyes to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you going to keep sitting there or actually get out?" Akutagawa asked as I blinked in shock before shaking my head.

"I'm coming, idiot." I said as I placed my palm into Akutagawa's hand as he helped me out of the limo.

His fingers caressed my own and for some random reason, it sent jolts and shivers down my spine.

I shook off the feeling as I also stared at the mansion-castle.

Like a real gentlemen, Akutagawa slightly pulled my hand, guiding towards the front as I kept staring at his hand around my own.

What the hell? Am I sick? I thought but shook it off.

Shut up Y/n. Now's not the time. You have to keep your game.

We climbed the steps as the bouncer at the front stared at us.

"Name." He said in a gruff voice, speaking in English.

"Kano Hina." I said as the bouncer scanned the list before writing something on his paper.

"And you?" He asked looking at Akutagawa.

"Kano Akinari." Akutagawa said, making me cough suddenly.

"Is something wrong?" The bouncer asked as I shook my head, pursing my lips together.

"Nothing." I said before the bouncer nodded and stepped aside.

"Then you're free to enter. Enjoy the night." He said in a plain voice as I nodded, slightly tugging Akutagawa along.

When I was sure we were out of earshot I pulled on Akutagawa's arm, making him lean closer towards me.

Akutagawa x Reader [Nakahara Y/n]Where stories live. Discover now