I walked in seeing everyone around the table.

"Morning," I said.

"More like afternoon," George said.

"It's 1 o'clock," Ginny said.

"I guess I was tired," I said with a sheepish smile.

I looked over and saw Harry sitting by Ron and Hermione.

"Harry!" I said tackling him in a hug, "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine, Mallorie," Harry said, "Your neck.."

"It's fine," I said, "It honestly looks way worse than it feels."

"I'm just glad all of you guys are okay," Harry said.

I could see the hurt in his eyes. I knew Sirius's death was affecting him a lot.

"I have some good news kids," Molly said coming into the kitchen, "We get to go back home for break!"

"It's about time," Ginny said making us all laugh.

"We'll be having Easter dinner with everyone. Harry and Hermione you are welcomed to stay," Molly said.

"I'd love to," Hermione said.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley," Harry said.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow morning, so make sure to get your stuff packed," Molly said.

"How are you feeling?" Fred asked as I sat down between him and George.

"Better. I was so exhausted," I said.

"You look like shit," George said recovering a glare from me.

"Gee, thanks Georgie," I said.

He threw his hand up in defense, "Just trying to be honest."


We got to go back to the burrow today. I was so excited to be back. Don't get me wrong, Grimmaulds Place was okay but the burrow is home. I hadn't been there since the beginning of last summer.

"You kids ready to go?" Molly said peaking her head into the room.

"Ready," we all said at the same time.

"Hey!" Fred said.

"That's our thing," George completed.

I just rolled my eyes at the two of them.

"It's not just a twin thing to talk at the same time as another person you know," I said grabbing my trunk and dragging it out of the room.

We apparated back to the burrow. Walking into the cozy home made my mood 100 times happier.

"How I've missed this house!" Ginny  exclaimed as she walked through the door.

We all walked to our rooms putting our trunks away.

"I love this bedroom," I said smiling.

"A little small," George said.

"But think of all the memories we have in here," I said laying on the bed.

"Remember that time we made that fort that took up the whole room?" Fred asked laying next to me.

"Yes, and you and George argued the whole time about who was going to get to sleep with the 'good pillow' until George won," I said laughing.

"That was the best night sleep I've ever had," George said dreamily.

Fred and I laughed loudly at his comment.

"Is it crazy to think that this break will be one of the last times we all three stay in this room together," I said.

"Soon we'll be in our own flat," George said.

"Being adults," Fred added.

"Who would have though. Us. Adults," I said giggling.

"I honestly didn't think we'd make it past 16," George said.

We all laughed.


"What are the plan for the day?" I asked Fred as he walked into the kitchen.

"Well, George and I wanted to go look at the building for the shop today. Would you like to go with?" Fred said.

"Umm, yeah!" I said.

"We're leaving as soon as George is ready," he said.

George came down the stairs shortly and we were ready to go. The twins wanted to apparated, so that's what we did even though I hate it.

We landed in Diagon Alley. I looked up and there was a big building in front of us. Fred pulled some keys out of his pocket to unlock the door. He opened the door letting me walk in first.

The main room on the first floor was huge. I saw some shelves that were in the room left in the room. There was a room that I could see in the back that I assumed was an office. I then looked over at the stairs that I assumed lead to the flat upstairs.

"So, what do you think?" Fred asked.

"It's perfect," I said looking around.

"The flat is just up those stairs if you want to go take a look," George said.

I walked up the stairs leaving the twins on the first floor. When I opened the door I saw a beautiful flat. The living room and kitchen were an open concept, being on big room, I could already envision where the furniture would go. I walked further into the flat seeing a hallway in between the kitchen and living room. I walked down the hall to see two doors. The door to my left had George's name on it and the door to my right had Fred's name on it. I walked into the door that was directly in front of me seeing a bathroom. It was pretty decent sized with double sink, walk in shower, and a big tub. I closed the door walking into what was going to be mine and Fred's room. The bedroom was empty but it was a decent size.

"What do you think?" someone said from behind me making be slightly jump.

"Sorry love, didn't mean to scare you," Fred said.

"I really like it. It's a nice place," I said turning back around to look at the room.

"It's our place," Fred said wrapping his arms around me so that my back was to his chest as he put his chin on top on my head.

Will Love Last//Fred Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now