One More Year - (Fluff - Scar/Grian/Mumbo)

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I just sigh into the phone. Grian had become one of my best friends and he could read my like a book. It was annoying sometimes, but at least I didn't have to force the conversation.

"Yah..." my voice trailed off, unsure what to say next.

"I'm right here Scar and I'm not going anywhere. No rush okay?"

I nod, even though he can't see me and swallow the spit that had pooled in my mouth, "You messaged me about my birthday."

A silence on the other line encouraged me to continue as Grian waited patiently, "and... ah... I don't really like celebrating it?" The last sentence came out almost like a question as I said it.

"Hmm... That's okay Scar," Grian's voice was soft and encouraging, "do you know why? It's okay if you want to answer that."

"No, um... I called because I thought it might be good to have someone know." I paused, sucking in a deep breath and rolled onto my back with and hand raised, hold the phone to my ear, "I guess, every birthday... it's just... ah"

"Hey, no rush Scar."

Grian's calm words helped calm my rapid heart and I just decided to spit it out, "every birthday is just a celebration of another year I didn't expect to make it through because I hate living and people just make such a big deal about it. I wish I could just have someone who'd just hang out but not mention my birthday."

I inhaled sharply at the end, my feelings being laid out on the table. Followed by a silence on the other side.

I tried not to think about what might be going through Grian's mind. He probably was just surprised to hear that.

"Scar..." Grian's voice crackled through the speaker once more, "I'm so proud of you for telling me that Scar. I love you okay? And I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Is it alright if I tell the other Hermits? I won't tell them why, I'll just ask them to not say anything online."

"Tha- thank would be nice," I stutter out, only just noticing the tears that were falling down my face.

Grian and I talked for a bit longer. Mostly just Grian as he talked about his next big project for the entity and his mega base and before long, he was saying he needed to go since it was getting late in England. I told him goodnight and just moved on with my day, trying not to think about what was looming in the future.

But before I knew it, my it was my birthday. Anxiety was gnawing at my chest as I thought about what was coming up. I had told my parents that I had other plans so that they wouldn't bother me with some massive family dinner and Grian had hopefully told the Hermits to avoid it, but you never know about those die hard fans who had my birthday memorized.

It's not like I couldn't blame them for saying happy birthday if they wanted to. I had never told them not to, but I just don't want to getting out.

I guess the best thing to do would be to just ignore my phone for the moment being.

Luckily a knock at my door distracted me from my thoughts as I went towards it. A postman stood outside with a white package, "um... Good Times With Scar?" He looked up and me and then back at the packaged probably double checking the name.

"Yah, that's me," I said with a slight chuckle before reaching a hand up and taking the pad to sign my name. The man hands me the box which I take over to my bed. Grabbing a set of scissors, I slice open the tape and pull the lid open, my eyes growing wide.

Inside the box was one of Dream's new cloud hoodies. I don't remember order that, but sitting on top of it was a printed note. I grab it, scanning over the letters:

Hey Scar!

It's kind of hard to ship myself across the ocean, but I thought you might want something to cuddle with and I know how much you enjoy Dream's content. I remember the first time you tried to code a terraforming mod for Minecraft and crashed my whole computer, not just Minecraft. Your personal terraforming is honestly better.

Anyway- just remember that we on the Hermitcraft server all love you! Keep smiling king :)

- Grian

Tears were forming at my eyes as I lift up the soft cotton hoodie, slipping it over my head. It was a couple sizes too big, but I could easily pull my legs up and my arms in into a sort of turtle, cocoon thing. All in all, it was comfy.

But it wasn't moments later that another knock on my door echoed in my apartment. I head back to the door and open it just to find a short blond sporting a red hoodie and a taller man with black hair and a mustache.

Oh goodness me, Grian and Mumbo were literally standing in front of me.

Grian just grinned at me, holding up a box of store bought cookies and a deck of cards, "hi Scar! I see you got the hoodie."

I grinned back, "yah, it literally just showed up like a moment ago. It looks like you did actually ship yourselves across the world."

"Yes sir, but as I said, it was hard." He pushed into the room as Mumbo followed slightly awkwardly. "I hope it's okay that I brought Mumbo as well. We thought we could make a trip of it, maybe do some impromptu meet ups."

"Yah, that's fine."

The rest of the afternoon flew by in a flash as we ate cookies and played random games like Go Fish, BS, or war. As you'd guess Grian is a god as BS. By the time it was dinner time, Grian and Mumbo had ordered some Panda Express, determined to try it for the first time.

Mumbo was the first to set his box down and I glanced up at him as he did so, seeing the sun begin to set in the window behind him. I had all but forgotten that it was my birthday and I was just enjoying the company of two friends. "Thank you guys. You don't know how much this meant to me."

Grian stopped eating, a fork full of noodles hanging down his chin before he quickly swallowed, gagging a bit as Mumbo chuckled at him, "Of course Scar. I had to do something after, well, you know. And I know you don't really like hearing this but Happy Birthday Scar. Thank you for being one of my best friends and thank you for making it through one more year."

"You are amazing Scar and Hermitcraft wouldn't be the same without you. My life wouldn't be the same," Mumbo added, "You have changed my life Scar. Don't ever forget that. And I look forward to spend another year with you, so please, for me and Grian, don't leave."

"To one more year!" Grian cried, lifting his fork dramatically, "And to friendship."

"Is it worth it?"

"Yes Scar. I promise it's worth it. Mumbo would agree with me." Which he quite clearly did while nodding his head aggressively.

I felt my face lift into a smile. Even though I knew that the next year would probably be the same as the years before and my battles weren't gone, I had two friends to live for. And in this moment, that was enough.

"To one more year."

Eva's New Hermitcraft and Dream SMP OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang