We all knew how nontraditional this wedding would be considering who the bride is, from her entrance to her hot pink heels peeping out from her dress with each step. Further on as the ceremony goes we realize they're not lighting a candle or tying a rope. Another laugh comes from the crowd as we see both Laura and Spencer pick up a bottle of beer and pour them at the same time into a stein.  Spencer offers it to Laura to sip first before he practically downs it all, the officiant putting his hand on his shoulder to bring him back to the actual ceremony. 

  The rest of the ceremony moves quickly, and I'm just ready to have Opal on my arm again. Once the officiant pronounces the union, they kiss, and the first beat of the recessional song begins. I open up my suit coat to pull out my sunglasses as Spencer hands Laura hers from his suit jacket. The Beatles, Here Comes the Sun, begins playing as they take their first steps as husband and wife. I pass Opal her glasses once we meet in the middle, she winks at me before putting them on, taking my elbow and walking side by side. 

  The bridal party doesn't go and hide away as the guests move to the reception, as everything is taking place on the roof. Laura and Spencer both decided they didn't want posed photos so everyone begins congratulating the couple, mingling, while the brewery's staff changes the seating from ceremony to reception.

  In no time the staff has completely rearranged the area and begins bringing food out. "I'm gonna go grab a drink. You want anything? Coke, seltzer?" I ask Opal as I shrug off my suit coat, laying it over the back of my chair. 

  "I'm really tempted to have a drink, to be honest."

  I look at her suspiciously. "I thought you couldn't drink." I recall an earlier conversation stating she'd have to endure a good stomach pumping if she did. 

  "Well, ya see," she begins, avoiding direct eye contact. "I may have forgotten to take my meds today." She turns to take a sip of water from her glass.

  "Opal Lillian Lucas," I say sternly, resting my hands on the back of my chair, leaning closer to her.

  "I am thirty-one years old Chris, do not full name me right now." 

  I can see she's getting slightly agitated, which is not the way I want this evening to go. "I know you're an adult, Ope. But there's reasons why you're on those meds so you need to take them. Did you forget your antirejection meds too or just your heart meds?"

  "Just my heart meds. They were in a different bag since the night I stayed at the hotel."

  "I'll go get them, just tell me where they are," I start fumbling for my keys in my pocket.

  "Stop." Her hand pulls mine from my pocket. "I can take them when I get back to your place. I have felt fine today. I won't have a drink, okay. Can I just have a seltzer?"

  I release a deep sigh, leaning closer to her. "Sometimes, Miss Lucas, you drive me crazy."

  She leans closer, pecking my lips. "Better buckle up then, Sergeant. You've got a lifetime of crazy in front of you," she says with a playful wink.

  "Can't wait."


  Opal POV

  This wedding is much different than our first together. 

There were millions of butterflies dancing in my stomach the day Lily and Jameson were married. The anticipation of 'will we won't we' in the constant forefront of my mind until Chris finally kissed me on the dance floor. The anxiety attack that took over the joy in that moment, dashing the smallest confidence I had. 

  Fast forward to today and all I can think about is the fact that I don't want to ever leave his side. I always want to feel his presence near me, the warmth radiating off of him giving me the feeling of an eternal hug wrapped in his arms. 

  Even now, watching him across the rooftop speaking with others from the precinct, I feel too far from him. Leaving this time may be the hardest of all of them.

  "This seat taken?" 

  My focus switches from Chris to the voice I hear over my shoulder. "Not at the moment," I tell Cooper with a small smile. 

  He takes the seat next to me, Chris' seat, and watches the crowd in front of us. There are a few just mingling, some dancing, others playing cornhole off to the side. "Having fun?" I ask, attempting to make this less awkward.

  "Not as much as I thought I would," he tells me honestly. I prod him further, asking what he means. "Well, normally I'd get drunk and find a willing bridesmaid to have some fun with." He takes a pull from his beer. "But, looks like all bridesmaids are off limits." He chuckles with a smile as he motions towards my ring.

  "Afraid I was the last, Coop. But I'm sure there's some other women around that would find you charming." I give him a small smirk as I recall learning something interesting about him from that first night at the bar. "And I seem to recall that you would be doing me a favor by taking me home."

  His face goes red as he recalls that night at Decker's. His head hangs low, shaking slowly from side to side. He casts his eyes up a hair, looking back at me. "I'd like to apologize for that."

  "It's alright. Even if I am, what did you say, a six, you're not my type," I give him a wink. 

  "Can I be honest with you, Opal?" He leans back in his seat.

  "I don't see why not."

  "I told Chris that this would never work," he motions from me over to where Chris stands close to the bar. "I reminded him that you weren't what he normally went for. Told him I'd enjoy more women before he even saw you again."

  "So, you're admitting to being a man whore?" I tease him.

  He smiles with a shrug of his shoulders. "I guess when you put it that way, you're probably right." He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table in front of him. "What I'm saying is, I was wrong. I can only hope to find someone like you."

  It's my turn to sit back, as I stare at him in slight shock, surprised at his words. "What about Janie? Chris said you two were together again."

  "We're a bit too toxic for one another," he admits, even though his eyes find her immediately playing cornhole with Spencer and Laura. 

   I see the look he gives her. It's admiration, love, and longing. I rest my hand on his shoulder. "Maybe if you got off your high horse thinking you were God's gift to women that could change, Cooper. Treat her better than you treat anyone else and maybe that could change."

  "Miss Lucas," I feel a hand graze my bare upper back.

  I glance up, "yes Sergeant?" 

  "Care to dance?" Chris asks me, smiling warmly.

  "Always." I give Cooper's shoulder a small pat as I push my chair back.

  "Hey Opal," he says, halting my motion. He leans a bit closer to me. "You are definitely not a six." I return his smile as I take Chris hand and stand to join him.

  He guides us to the dance floor, several other couples joining us. My arms wrapped around his neck, his own around my waist. I melt into his arms, their warmth, my home. 

  We sway along to the melody much like our first dance together, not resisting the continuous pull that brings us back to one another.

  In case you didn't know

Baby, I'm crazy 'bout you
And I would be lyin' if I said
That I could live this life without you
Even though
I don't tell you all the time
You had my heart a long, long time ago
In case you didn't know

 I lean back slightly, causing Chris to look back at me. His eyes, immediately finding mine. They appear full of adoration. "What's that look for, Mr. Evans?"

  He releases a small hum, a sigh before answering. Lifting his hand to caress my cheek with his thumb, softly. "Just looking at my future, love."

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