chapter 23:-Going backwards

Start from the beginning

"Stop being silly, now let's talk about us having fun after the football match next week, we havent spent time together in ages." Mia winges.

Laughing and giggling at the most stupid of things, I finally finish tucking into my last bit of my muffin, when someone taps on the cafe window. Both myself and Mia lookup at the same time, standing smiling away is Josh, waterbottle in hand, sweat dripping down his face wearing  a tight fitted Nike baselayer and black shorts.

Before we can wave back the door chimes and in walks Josh, slumping himself into the booth next to me.

"Hey girls,want another drink?"

"We should probably get going were been here a while." I state.

"Oh come on one drink wont hurt."

"Fine." I say rolling my eyes.

"Dont roll your eyes at me, or they'll be trouble young lady. " Josh grins.

"Just ssshhh, il have a hot chocolate, Mia what do you want?" I warn Josh looking in Mia direction.

"Il have the same as Bianca please"

"No worries, here chuck my bag under the chair and il be back in a sec with drinks. "

"What on earth was that?" Mia glares at me.

"What,what do you mean?" I ask.

"His seriously still into you and that little flirting back and forth." She laughs.

"Seriously just stop there is no flirting, he knows I'm not interested and I'm with Ryder. "

"Well you may want to tell him again, cause he ain't getting it. "

Feeling totally exhausted from all this commotion I just want to drink my drink and leave.

Josh soon sits back into the chair, moving his arm so its resting over the headboard of the booth but just over my shoulder.

I cant make eye contact with Mia as I know what she thinking.

"Errr Josh put your arm down, you stink. " I laugh.

"Oh sorry, I cant help it, Coach mad us all hit the gym and do bench presses and weights. "

"Well you should have gone straight home and taken a shower, youl scare all the customers or girls off smelling like that." I chuckle.

"Your still here though, so I cant be too bad right?" He smirks.

"That's cause you blocked her in, so she cant leave and you moaned so much for us to stay and have a drink with you."Mia hits back.

"Too true, I'll let you have that. "

Time soon starts to fly by and before we know it, it's already 7.30pm and were been here for over 3hours.
Mia phone starts to ping in her hand.

"Shit, ok we need to leave, Lucus just messaged, saying Ryder losing his shit that your not home and not answering his call or texts. His cooked dinner and it's gone to waste. His having a full on rant to Lucus."

I quickly step up and budge at Josh to move.

"Sorry Josh we, I need to go. I quickly grab my bag and head for the exit.

"Hey, wait for me." Mia shouts.

"Sorry, I'm just panicking if his taking it out on Lucus." I say.

"Lucus is a big boy he can deal with Ry, dont worry youl be fine. " said Mia.

"I'll come with you both I've gotta go past yours to my place anyway. " Josh buts in.

"Ok, but we need to go now." I demand.

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