chapter 5:- Head of all aches

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I wake to the sight of Mia pulling my curtains, the sun blazing right through the windows.

"Mia,shit! What time is it?" My voice so croaky and dry.

"Noon, now get up, its saturday and we have shopping to do at the mall. "She demands.

"No chance I feel like shit,how about we watch a chickflik later on when my head has recovered" I laugh.

" sure thing,well I'm heading out with Lucus so il see you later."

Turning my phone back on, I grab a shower quickly followed by chucking on a long tee which just covers my bum. Sitting on the stool in the kitchen biting into an apple my phone begins to ping.

J:- Princess,hows the head?

B:- pounding!!! I'm sorry about leaving last night. X

J:- pounding?! Ummm now that's a thought 😉

B:- is that so! 😂 x

J:- most definitely.

B:- how do you suppose I do that then? X

Hearing footsteps come closer, I place my phone on the table and continue to eat, feeling the closeness of the person near me. Ryder edges nearer, I can smell his cologne, his lips brush by my ear.

"Do you want me to remind you of our kiss" Ryder smirks.

"It was a mistake it wont happen again. I cant forget how you left me" I said trying to control my temper.

"Baby, I'm sorry let me explain I did it for you, I had to protect you."

"Protect me from what Ryder? What could be so fucking hard that you chose to leave me, without a goodbye, nothing! You left and I fucking waited for you for hours that day expecting you to come back, you never showed,never answered my calls and now your here in this house, in this city. It took me two years to get over you so please, please fucking enlighten me what was so important that I needed to be protected from." I scream.

My phone pings, stopping Ryder from speaking, he just grabs my phones.

"You fucking lied, you said you wouldn't message him."

"Ryder I told you it's none of your business what I do. "

"So what your guna date him now?" He demands.

"What! Of course not, what are you on about?"

"For fuck sake Bianca, cant you see he just wants to get in your knickers, clearly knowing your an easy lay!"

Wow I'm not sure what's worse him calling me by my full name or that his implying I'm easy.

"Ryder, really? He just wanted to know I got home ok, but dont worry I know now that me and you were just a mistake after all I'm just an easy lay. RIGHT?!!"

Ryder slams my phone in my hand before connecting his fist into the wall and storming away.

I squeal, I've never seen him like this Ryder was always caring,loving not this. I calm my breathing down looking at my phone to see what caused Ryder to be so mad.

J:- by letting me take you out on a date.

J:- come on princess, you know you want too.

J:- maybe we can finish what we started with that kiss.

I know I shouldn't but Ryder has made me so angry that I agree to a date.

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