"Oh, Lady Mildred." The woman embraced her tightly. She pulled back, but held both of Mildred's hands in her's. "I will miss you. Promise me you'll be safe. Both of you?"

"You need not worry, Sara. I'm in great hands." She said and glanced over at Gurney with a smile.

"I know you are. The next time I see you though, I fully expect you to have children in your arms." Sara spoke as she wiped tears from her eyes.

Mildred giggled. "We will see about that."

She gave the servant one last hug before walking out of her room. Every step felt heavy. She supposed it was because she knew this would be the last time she stepped there for years. It was drizzling outside, but she didn't mind. She knew rain was a very rare occurrence on Arrakis. A plethora of flagships laid before her, ready to leave when given permission. She stopped at the edge of the shoreline and watched the waves crash against the surface.

Gurney watched his wife with keen eyes. For her, it was her first time leaving her home planet. For him it wasn't. It was slightly easier on him. It still pained him to see her so sullen. Still, he stood in silence and let her have her moment before offering his arm for her to take so they could board the flagship. Her father, mother and Paul were already inside. She knew her father would spend most of the journey up in front of the ship as would Gurney.

Her mother, Paul and her would stay in the more comfortable part of the flagship. It had chairs to sit in when departing and arriving. A few couches. Some food laid out if they wished to eat. It was a cold feeling. There were no windows. If she wished to see a video she would have to go to the cockpit. She could feel the nervousness yet excitement radiating off of everyone aboard. No one quite knew what to except which gave a small amount of fear as well.

Once Gurney and Leto left, the rest buckled their seats to prepare for take off. This was it. There was no turning back now. Mildred wanted to rip her seatbelt off and run back to her home, but she wouldn't. She would go where her family went even if it made her uncomfortable. She closed her eyes, listening to the sound of flagship rumbling to life and attempted to get more sleep.

They flew for hours, close to probably most of the day. When they were about to land, they were all gathered close to the gangway. Her father and Gurney stood in front of the group of family and soldiers, while everyone else stood behind. She felt the flagship land and her breath became hitched in her throat. The first thing Mildred noticed about Arrakis was how bright it was. It was almost blinding. Then she noticed the sand.

It was everywhere. Rolling hills of it. Blowing in your face. It whipped at her face and she was suddenly thankful for the head covering she wore. She should have completely covered her face like her mother did. The wind caused her dress to press against her figure in a sheet. The heat was unlike anything she ever experienced before and it was only the morning. Soldiers were gathered on either side of a carpet to greet them.

A large, long wall laid in front of them to protect the building they would occupy from outsiders as well as the sand worms. They would have to board something called an 'ornithopter,' and fly over the wall to reach their new home. The only way she could describe was a large, insect looking helicopter. The sound of bagpipes could be heard and her father stepped onto the sandy ground.

Gurney stretched a hand out to Mildred and helped her down. She shot him an unsure look and he responded with a small wink. The wind was even worse when she stepped upon the planet. She felt as if she might topple over at any point. Her mother was smart enough to bring handmaidens with her to assist with her dress. In the distance she could make out Thufir who had arrived a week prior to make sure everything checked out.

Paul was first to run to him and wrap him in a hug. The Mentat bowed at Mildred and Jessica and shook hands with Leto.

"How are you, old friend?" Leto asked.

"My Lord, my advance team has secured the city. We're still smoothing out a few rough spots." He explained and motioned for Jessica, Paul and Mildred to follow them to a separate ornithopter than her father and Gurney.

She stole a quick glance at her husband before trailing behind the group. A group of people, she assumed natives of Arrakis had gathered outside the wall. They seemed rather...emotional. Some were on their knees. Others appeared to be crying. There was one word they kept yelling that caught her attention, Lisan al-Gaib.

"Don't be fooled by the welcome. They follow their old masters' rule. Mandatory attendance. That's Harkonnen love out there." Thufir explained as they climbed aboard the ornithopter.

His words still did nothing to ease her suspicions. They weren't looking at her. They were looking at Paul and based on the look on her brother's face, he had noticed as well.

Once they settled into their seats and the ornithopter took off, Paul turned to their mother, "They were pointing at us. What are they shouting?"

"Lisan al-Gaib. Voice from the Outer World. It's their name for messiah." Their mother explained just quiet enough for Paul and Mildred to hear. "It means the Bene Gesserit have been at work here."

"Planting superstitions." Paul told her.

Mildred shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She agreed with her brother whole heartedly. The idea of someone planting a false person into people's heads unnerved her. Her brother was fifteen. Fifteen. He didn't need that kind of pressure. It seemed their mother thought differently though and it terrified her.

The ornithopter buzzed to life just like the giant bug it looked like. It threw up more sand as it ascended in the air. They flew over the wall and the city of Arrakeen came into view. Everything seemed to made of the sand that laid on the ground. She supposed in a desolate place like this they had to use every resource available. The place where they would reside towered over the rest of the city. It was beautiful in a way, but in the back of her mind was something she could only describe as dread.

Sorrow | Dune | Gurney HalleckΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα