Chapter Thirteen

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Ocury was a newly discovered planet. With the galaxy being so large it was easy for one to find a planet uninhabited. You would just have to take the risk of building a successful life from the ground up. This was why many of the planets lacked money and resources. Ocury was to be a safe haven, a refuge for those escaping slavery. Particularly from the Harkonnen. It had only been established a few years ago and Mildred had hardly heard anything about the planet.

It was quite beautiful as they descended through the atmosphere. It reminded her slightly of Caladan, just not as much rainfall. It was entirely green and she could see many lakes and streams from the air. She lowered their transport slowly onto the makeshift platform. It was slightly challenge given the uneven terrain, but she managed. The other transporter had arrived only seconds before they did.

Mildred undid the straps of her seat and stood up. Her eyes fell to the sword strapped around Gurney's waist. "Gurney, why don't we leave our weapons on the transporter? I doubt there is any danger here."

"You have more faith in humanity than I do, my lady." He told her, but complied with her wishes.

She gave him a reassuring smile before exiting the transport. She knew he would have rather exited first to make sure it was safe, but she was trying to appear as non threatening as possible. Standing about twenty feet from the platform was a group of five people. A man, no older than thirty stood in front with two men and two women behind him. His clothing was well worn as were the others behind them. They all had terribly small frames as well.

These people's suffering did not stop when they escaped slavery. At least here they were free. It didn't mean their lives were any easier. In the distance she could see hundred of makeshift homes. Some made of cloth, some made of wood. Only one 'home' looked well built. She supposed the leader of the planet stayed there. The man approached her with caution.

"Are you from Caladan?" He asked.

"I am. Mildred Atreides and this is our Warmaster, Gurney. Our doctor and pilot are unloading supplies as we speak. And you are?" She spoke as dignified, but friendly as possible.

She swore she saw tears well in the man's eyes. He dropped to his knees in front of Mildred and held onto her hands. The sudden movement shook her for a moment. Gurney had taken a step forward. She supposed if he had had his sword he may have pointed it at the man.

"Bless you, Lady Mildred!" The man cried. "Bless you!"

Mildred cleared her throat awkwardly. "Thank you for the...formalities and kind words, but they're not needed."

The man finally stood back up. "Apologizes, my lady. I am, Erik. I'm the leader of Ocury. I am the one who sent the transmission to Caladan."

"It's nice to meet you, Erik. Please, call me Mildred. I was wondering if you could show us where we can set the food and medical area up. Our doctor is able to provide some exams if needed while Gurney and I hand out provisions."

"Right this way. We try to live all relatively close. We feel it's safer that way." He explained as they began to walk.

"Is this the only part of the planet you've explored?" She asked curiously.

"Yes." Her admitted. "Our numbers are small and of those numbers, most are women and children. None of them want to take the risk of exploring."

"I see." Mildred mumbled. Women were not weak and feeble. She knew that from first hand experience. However, she had to remember all that the woman had gone through. She could understand their hesitation. They would have to do something eventually if they were going to survive. "And what have you been doing to bring in income?"

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