Chapter Thirty Four

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Days passed since the night of drinking and stories. Everyone had begun to adapt to their new home. It definitely wasn't anything like Caladan, but Mildred could find some good things about Arrakis. They were constantly busy, constantly learning. It had been her father's idea to create a jammed packed day. First, they would meet Dr. Liet Kynes and go out into the desert to seeing the harvest fields. After, they would invite many elite members of Arrakis for a dinner party.

It was early when they were presented with stillsuits from Dr. Kynes. There were essential if they wished to travel further into the desert. For several moments, Mildred just stared at the dark colored suit. She had seen many videos with instructions on how to put it on, but the task seemed slightly daunting. If it was not put on properly, she risked dying if something dangerous happened while looking at the spice harvesters.

The fabric was lighter than she expected as she slipped it on. She supposed it was meant to be that way since the heat from the desert could kill you. It was painstaking having to fasten every piece though and she hoped she got it right. She chose to keep the head piece off and the nose piece and mask hung down near her neck.

"I look ridiculous." Mildred told Gurney as he finished putting his on.

"I don't think you'll care how you look if one of these saves your life potentially." He informed her. "Ready?"

She nodded her head and followed him out of their room and towards the landing platform where they would be joined by her father, brother and several other soldiers. She could barely make out Dr. Kynes' figure in the distance standing near one of the ornithopters. As they approached the figure, Mildred was shocked to see that it was a woman. Another woman in a powerful position, she thought to herself, good. She had the same blue eyes as the other's they had met.

"The Judge of the Change, sire. Dr. Liet Kynes." Gurney told Leto.

"My lord Duke." Dr. Kynes dipped her head respectfully. "Welcome to Arrakis."

"You're the Imperial Ecologist. Thank you for the stillsuits." Paul noted.

"They are of Fremen make. The best. With your permission, sire, I must check the integrity of your suit." Dr. Kynes stepped forward towards the Duke which had been a mistake.

In an instant, every soldier, including Gurney had their swords drawn and aimed at the doctor. The move surprised the doctor.

"It's all right." Leto told his guards and patted Gurney's soldiers. They all slowly removed their weapons. "Dr. Kynes, we're in your hands."

She stepped forward and began to tighten any lose straps on everyone's suit. "A stillsuit is a high efficiency filtration system. Even this early in the morning, you wouldn't survive two hours without one of these. It cools the body and recycles the water lost to sweat. Your body's movements provide the power. Inside the mask, you'll find a tube to allow you to drink the recycled water. In good working order, your suit won't lose more than thimble full of water a day."

"Most impressive." Leto spoke.

Mildred tried her best to remember everywhere Dr. Kynes had tighten to ensure she knew the next time to pay extra attention there. She glanced out of the corner of her to still see Gurney watching her like a hawk. Then, she looked back over at Paul whom Dr. Kynes stood in front of looking perplexed.

"You've worn a stillsuit before?" She asked.

Paul shook his head. "No, this is my first time."

"Your desert boots are fitted slip-fashion at the ankles. Who taught you to do that?" She asked.

"It seemed the right way." Paul shrugged his shoulders.

She muttered something in the native language of the Fremen. At least, Mildred assumed she had. It sounded the same way as Stilgar spoke days ago.

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