Your son smacked you on your arm. You groaned, glaring at him with a raising eyebrow. "Stop drooling over your memories with dad! It's annoying." He said as he frowned his face before heading to his room. You let out a weird chuckle at his mean behavior and you comfortably laid your back on the couch, thinking again about your memories with Min Yoongi.

The thing was.. it was hard for you to live quietly since you and Yoongi got problems lately. Your son was stuck whether you both begin to scream at each other or when you two fight physically, your son would mostly go in his room and scream while covering his ears and shed tears.

Your son was always locking himself in his room and he'd sometimes talk with you but he knew you were his only one because Yoongi wasn't there. You were the one who helped him before you guys fought. At school, he doesn't like making new friends with the familial situation. He began to shut everyone out of his world and he is not sociable anymore.

Sometimes your son talks with you when he can't keep in his feelings he's been holding for so long. He couldn't even stare at your face because it was bruised and injured. He hated Yoongi but he loves you. He wanted to protect you over his dad but you were doing fine without him. You were smiling every day to show your son that you were happy.

However you weren't. You exactly knew that what happened a month ago and that will always be graved in your son's and your heart.

You loved your son so much, you don't want to lose him or you don't want him to leave the family because ㅡof what is happening. You thought he was having a hard time and that he wants to leave but you were wrong.


"Come eat." You shouted, enough for him to hear. You then sat on a chair while putting the soups and the rice on the table. You grabbed your spoon without waiting for your son to come and started scooping it with rice. Then you put the spoon into the soup to eat it. You did that and vice versa.

You heard your son's door opening. He was quickly heading downstairs to join you. He sat on the opposite side of you and started to eat as soon as he took the spoon.

"Mom?" He called out. You hummed in response, lifting your head to face him.

"Why is there a third bowl?" He pointed the bowl besides you. Your eyes widened at the third bowl and you unexpectedly showed a sign of remorse. It was a silence except we could hear the spoons clinging against the bowls.


"Yeah?" You went back eating, waiting for his words.

"Why can't you forget about him?!" He suddenly shouted, putting his spoon down with noise. You stopped your actions and stared at him with your mouth hanging out.

"What?" You said, not believing what he just said.

"Stop thinking about father." He grinned, standing up.

"Why are you saying that?" You scoffed, standing up too. He then stared at the orange envelope in the end of the table. He picked it up, tearing the entrance and looked at the paper while shaking.

"Look! Don't you remember?!" He threw the papers at you and burst upstairs to his room. You were tearing up already: he was beginning to act like his dad, Min Yoongi.

You shake-ly (doesn't exist) picked up the papers not wanting to cry again.

"Divorce papers"



"So all of this was lie?!" You shouted and tears were shedding.

"Yeah, got my ex girlfriend back." He plainly said packing his things.

"Youㅡ" You were about to slap him but he retained you by grabbing your wrist.

"Let's divorce."

"And you're going to leave me alone with our son?!" You screamed and repeatedly hit his chest with your free hand.

"He's old enough."

"You freaking dumbass. So 20 years together meant nothing to you?!"


He left. He left the family and he left you.


Fuck this, you thought. You crumbled the papers into balls and threw it on the ground. You fell on the ground, in depression again. You cried and screamed, you let out your anger that you've been holding all the time even if your son was in the house.

"Mom..." Your son in his room heard you. He laid his back against his door and hugged his knees, burying his head in between while silently crying with you separately.

Should I do a part 2?

Was that sad and a good plot twist? LUL

Sorry if it was short TT^TT


Min Nana



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