Third battle of Geonosis Part 1

Start from the beginning

Sidious locked the doors to the Chancellor's office and retrieved a cloak from under his desk. He had an very calculated but if it worked than maybe there will be a way to destroy this False Empire once in for all.

Sidious stood up and put the cloak on. He typed a few keys into his console and waited for a reply. After a few moments Count Dooku appeared, kneeling before his Master.

"Darth Tyranus. I have a mission for you."


Y/n pov

I flipped three Eggs onto the pan with the force. The smell of bacon met my nose and I smiled as I used the force again to flip the bacon and grabbed juice from the fridge. Metal plates flew across the room and landed on the table which was flanked by silverware which landed next to the plates.

I hummed a small tune as I checked the clock again and saw that it was a quarter past 6, my guards should be waking up any minute now. I turned off their alarms remotely so that they could sleep in for a little while. I looked over and saw that the Eggs and Bacon were done so I turned off the stove and pulled them off the stove with the force. Very swiftly I moved the food onto the plates and smiled as the smell of Bacon filled the ships kitchen.

I woke up a little earlier this morning because of the Jedi council calling me. Master Yoda explained that their forces on Geonosis were completely overwhelmed and taken over by the Local Geonosians and Separatist fleet. apparently all the factories had been slowly rebuilt over the last 2 years and now the Separatists decided to now take the planet back with a very large fleet.

I wasn't told how many exactly but I was told that thousands of ships now were on Geonosis and millions of battle droids now were on the planet. I knew that Sidious had something to do with it but I didn't know what his overall idea was. He was obviously trying to influence the Republic that the Separatist threat was bigger than they realized but he'd been doing that for the whole war. Apparently from reports I had seen General Grievous, Count Dooku and many other high ranking Separatists had been moved to the planet to make the attack from the republic more tantalizing.

I was concerned though so I had volunteered my forces to help with the attack, as well as helping coordinate strategy and troop movements. I knew it was gonna be a long day...

Thats why I decided to make breakfast, to help clear my mind and feed my guards. My Father had put "cooking" as one of the requirements I had to learn in order to be emperor. No idea why but I guess he found it hilarious to torture me with something that I had absolutely no experience in. It took me 20 years just to get good at it, and even longer to perfect it. I loved my dad but I have this thought in the back of my head he made me do that course because I burnt his toast ONE TIME.

30 years of hell just because I burnt his toast. He had some sick humor sometimes.

I smiled and shook my head as I put everything onto the small sink that was magnetized so it kept everything in the sink. I rolled my shoulders and smiled as I looked at the small setup I had for the guards. However I felt as though I was missing...oh no.

I reached out with the force and pulled the toast from the little slot on the wall and cringed as I saw it was a little burnt. I shook my head and very quickly smeared butter on each burnt toast, 5 in total before putting them on each plate. There were five plates on the table with mine being closest to the little hallway that led to the rest of the ship. I sat down at my table and began eating quietly waiting for the guards to awaken.

It didn't take long though because not even 2 minutes into eating and I heard a bang and shuffle come from down the hallway. I smirked as muffled voices seemed to bounce and bang around the hallway before shuffling of feet strutted toward the Kitchen. I smiled as the 4 guards came walking into the kitchen with their helmets on and their lightsabers at their waist.

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