Chapter Sixty-Eight

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A/N - Spoilers for tonight's ep in the comments and at the end!


Carina had been in hospital for three days. She did have an infection but it finally cleared up last night and the doctors cleared her to go home this morning.

Maya wouldn't and couldn't leave her side the entire time. Every time Maya went to leave Carina's side she would have a panic attack... even if it was to go to the bathroom.

Whilst she was in hospital Andrew made sure the apartment was ready for when they came home.

"You ready babe?" Maya asked as she packed Carina bag with her things.

Carina sat on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath. "Yeah" she whispered.

Maya walked over to her and stood between her legs, she held onto her chin and lifted her head.

Carina looked up at Maya's big blue eyes and smiled a little.

"You good?" Maya whispered.

"Yeah" Carina breathed, she wrapped her arms around Maya's waist and pulled her in laying her head on her chest.

"It's okay Carina, you're okay. Let me take you home" Maya soothed, "You'll feel better once you're in our bed"

She squeezed Maya tightly and let out a deep breath.

Maya leaned back and looked down at her fiancée, "Come on baby, let me help you into the wheelchair"

"I can walk it's okay" Carina whispered.

"You know you're not allowed" Maya laughed jokingly, "And you need to stay off your leg"

Maya tried to peel her body away but Carina wouldn't let go. "Do you want me to carry you instead?" She whispered.

Carina nodded her head slightly, "I can't see you in the wheelchair"

"Okay, let me grab your bag first"

Carina reluctantly let go of Maya so she could put the bag on her back.

On cue Andrew walked into the room, "You guys ready?"

Maya looked at him with concerned eyes, "Yeah" she sighed. She reached under Carina's legs and lifted her up, Carina wrapped her arms around Maya's neck and buried her face in her neck.

"You're going to carry her?" Andrew asked confused.

"Yeah" Maya nodded with a tight lip smile, "It's okay, I got her"

They made their way out of the room, "Can we stop by Jo's before we leave?" Carina whispered.

Maya carried Carina into Jo's room and sat her down in the chair. Jo had just woken up as they walked in.

"How are you feeling?" Carina asked and held onto her hand.

Jo nodded slightly, "I'm okay, still a little sore"

Carina looked at her with sad eyes, "Are they saying when you can go home?"

Jo let out a deep sigh, "Not yet. They offered me to transfer to Grey Sloan... since it's been cleaned up"

"Are you going to move?"

Jo shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, it's easier for Alex if I'm there, he doesn't have to come all the way over here every day"

Carina nodded in agreement, "How do you feel about that though? Are you comfortable going back there so soon?"

"Are you?" Jo asked, "When are you going back to work?"

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