Perfect Blend

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We're currently at my house, and by that I mean Latoya and I. Olivia practically ordered me to take her home while she tends to the kids.

She's upstairs in my bedroom knocked out, as the medication made her extremely drowsy. I add the finishing touches to the chicken soup, turn the heat off then grab my laptop to get some work done.

I'm in the living room for about 20 minutes  when a rock crashes through the window. It lands a few feet away from me, shards of glass litter the entire floor.

Rushing to the door, I yank it open in time to see a black van speeding away. Taking note of the license plate, I call Jason immediately.

I start ranting once he opens the line. " Bredda, some pussyhole just fling stone thru me window enuh!" (Some motherfuckers just threw a stone through my window!"

Jason swears a few times, voicing his frustration."Unu good?" He asks concerned. "You see nutn or none a dem face?" (Are you guys okay? Did you see anything or their faces?)

I proceed to tell him the license plate before Latoya's coughing takes precedence. Jason orders me to go tend to my girl, and tells me he'll come and take care of the window.

Quickly grabbing a tray, I grab a soul bowl and fill it up then grab bottled water with fruit juice and head upstairs.

Latoya is leaning back against the headboard, she looks much better but she still seems worn out . She smiles gently at me as I place the tray over her legs.

"A girl could get used to this." She teases lightly, causing me to chuckle.

Pinching her cheeks, I reply "And a brother could get get used to you in his bed..." I kiss her forehead, "Night and Day."

A blush creeps up her face and she turns her attention to her soup. She takes a few bites and moans loudly, I swear that guttural sound sends shock waves directly to my crotch!

My dick stirs in my pants, so I shove my hands in my pockets to not make anything obvious. As she eats, I tell her about the window.

"Swear me tired a dem rasshole ya now man, dem take it too far!" She murmurs, seemingly aggitated. (I've had enough of these mofos, they've taken it too far now.)

Sighing, I sit beside her careful not to shake the tray. "Don't worry about it, Carter has a lead and Martin is making his rounds."

She nods then continues eating. I get up and move to lay down on the opposite side of the bed. Before long, Aria starts calling me on video call so I answer.

"Hi Daddy, where is Latoya?" She gets straight to the point. Narrowing my eyes, I reply "Hey baby, Daddy is okay, thanks for asking." I tease.

She covers her face with her tiny hand, "I'm sorry Daddy. I miss you too." Aria is such a con artist, trust me!

We talk for a few minutes before she demands to speak to Latoya. "Hey Aria, what's up baby?" She smiles at the screen and I can't help but notice warmth flooding my chest.

"Latoooyyyaaaa!" She screams before beckoning to someone in the background. Kairo's face pops in the video and he's smiling broadly. "Mommmm! We got 100% in our spelling today!" He beams proudly.

Latoya clutches her chest, a cheesy grin spreads across her face. "Aweee, I'm so proud of you guys."

They continue to tell her about their day and I'm in awe at how expressive Aria has become. Guilt floods through me as I realise how much I've robbed her over the years.

Latoya pinches my arm to grab my attention, "They want a reward for getting 100%." An idea pops into my head immediately, "Guys Uncle Jason will give you whatever you like, okay?"

Ear splitting screams fill the room as Latoya shakes her head at me in disbelief. "Jason is going to kill you. You know that right?" She smirks before resuming her conversation with the kids.

We talk to them for a bit longer before I sternly tell them they can't be around her for a few days. Kairo and Aria tried every trick in the book, Latoya caved but I wasn't having it.

Bidding them goodbye, I hand her the medicine before heading inside the bathroom.  By the time I'm through taking a shower, Latoya is half asleep watching Meet the Mitchell's on YouTube.

At first I didn't get why she loved watching them, but after watching the first episode I was hooked!

We must've dosed off as I was awakened by drilling downstairs. Latoya is half sprawled on top of me and I wish this moment would last forever.

My phone vibrated and I realise there are 8 messages and 3 calls from Jason over the last hour! Easing her off gently, I lay her head unto the pillow and sneak from the room.

Heading downstairs, Jason is too busy installing the new glass to notice my presence. I sneak up to him and tap his shoulder but instantly regret it as he almost pierces my chest with the drill!

"Bredda yuh ramp too much enuh! Look how yuh nearly dead!" He grates, hissing his teeth. (Bro, you play too much! I almost killed you.)

I grin and start to help him, "Yuh feel ya take my 3 points juss  so?" (You really think you're gonna kill me so easily?)

He shrugs before a lopsided grin pops up, "Nah do yuh dat man, cya make yuh dead wid all dat powder in a yuh back!" Jason guffaws while I look at him distastefully. (Won't do that to you, can't allow you to die with all that unused sperm.)

Hissing my teeth, I kick his shin and slap the back of his head. "Yuh eva a come wid dem fuckery deh enuh. Me a lef yuh to Janice!" (You're so full of shit! Immo leave you to Janice!)

Jason sobers up immediately, especially as he realizes that I'm aware of his crush on her. They both like each other but neither of them are bold enough to make the first move.

That's precisely the reason why Janice believes he's a player, as he always announces he has a date.

What she doesn't know is that it's either to take Aria out or going to dinner with his Mom and sister.

"Janice good man. You no see she nah lef di waste man!" He grunts and I fight to hold my laughter in. (Janice is fine! Can't you see she's not breaking up with the waste man?)

Janice is always posting pictures with her gay best friend who Jason despises. That's the reason he took the Chinese project so he wouldn't have to see them together.

Eyeing my best friend, I realise how miserable he is and decide to end it once and for all.

Sig hing, I speak. "Bro, Treyvon is gay! How could you not see that before?"

Jason looks at me in shock before he drops his tool bag and heads towards the door. "Where you going yo?" I ask.

Jason doesn't spare me a single glance, "To get my girl!" He pauses at the door, turns to face me and narrows his eyes, "I'll deal with yo ass later  Judas!"

I scratch the back of my head with only two words in mind, I'm fucked!


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