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My mind is reeling from my father's revelations. My heart is hammering in my chest as I gasp rapidly, trying to quell the air deficiency.

I don't even know how to process any of this shit right now. From threats and thefts to murders! What the hell was he even thinking?

We spent over an hour talking, mostly with me asking questions as even childhood memories resurfaced.

I'm a hot mess right now,unsure of myself, my life and even my freaking existence. Apparently my mother knew everything but she still decided to stay!

My father was an operative for the CIA for 20 years until he retired and relocated with us to New York.

His skillset however caused him to be on call for specific jobs world wide.

But sometimes life has a twisted way of screwing things up.

He met Winston at a casino and for once in his miserable life, my evil inlaw actually trusted someone. Winston instantly took a liking to my father and their friendship grew from thereon.

They later became business partners when Dad invested in his failing company. Growing up, he always warned me Trust no one, you can see a man's face but you can't see his heart.

Now I wish he'd taken his own fucking advice!

Everything went awry when Winston asked him to clear a container. Instead of tech items or hardwares as listed on the manifest, it was filled with drugs and guns and Winston had his goons film it all.

From thereon, he continuously blackmailed Dad, had him do his dirty jobs because our lives were in danger otherwise.

Dad's own boss, Jeremy Marlin betrayed him because of money! Winston was under his radar but instead of taking him out, he became dirty.

That is why Dad had to keep quiet and bide his time. Marlin is the one who orchestrated my arranged marriage, since he had intricate details of Dad's off the book operations to use as evidence.

By the time Dad figured it out, Marlin disappeared as he was being investigated by the FBI.

I groan in misery while Anna gives me a sympathetic look. "This is just one big cluster fuck Anna!"

She remains silent, which I find very odd as she always knows what to say.

We're seated on two boxes outside the room Dad is staying in.

Anna looks rather crestfallen, maybe the revelations are a bit much?

"What do we do now?" I ask hoping she'll have it all figured out.

She sighs and walks away. "For once, I don't know Latoya."

Silence engulfs us, only the whirring blade of the industrial fan echoes in the room. 

Both of us are pensive but I can't seem to shake the feeling that something else is bothering Anna.

"Anna, are you okay?" I walk to her, grasp her shoulders and turn her to face me.

I'm shocked as she's silently crying. I gasp!

"Anna, talk to me please!" I beseech.

She smiles sadly as she caresses my face then pulls me in for a hug. We stay like that for a while, until she finally pulls away from me.

"There's so much going on and you're absolutely clueless Lats." She says ominously.

My heart rate increases immediately! "What do you mean?" I ask.

She wraps her arms around her body then props one leg against the wall.

"Have you ever wondered why I care so much about you? Why I've done everything to protect you and Kairo after we met?"

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