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Miles is nursing a blackeye which I gave him out of anger. He fell asleep last night which resulted in those cunts getting away!

Paul has always been a slippery eel, now this just means war. As I'm cursing every profanity known to man, I stuff my clothes into my duffel bag.

"My plan is ruined!" I throw the coffee cup with its contents across the room. "Find them Miles! They must die by my hands!" I seethe.

Miles remains silent but he nods respectfully and exits the room. I need something to take the edge off!

Rifing through my bag, I extract a sachet of cocaine and toss some unto the bedside table. Using my card, I prep it then snort the 4 rows in quick succession, then down the rest of my D'usse.

Soon after, a euphoric feeling seeps through my body and I welcome it, falling backward unto the bed. My eyes are hazy, my mind whirs with a million thoughts and I see Jaiden calling out to me.

Rising up, I walk towards him but the closer I get the farther away he goes. I'm beginning to lose my temper but I plant a smile on my face. My sweet boy must never know what a monster I am.

He tells me to chase him and I give in, hearing his infectious laughter fill the room. Running forward, I reach out to grab him but I slam hard into the wall instead.


Blood oozes from my broken nose, dripping unto my pristine white shirt and the hardwood floor.

Miles bursts into the room with his gun drawn, "Boss! What happened?" He asks , looking around for any sign of movement or infiltrators.

I stumble toward him, giving his cheek a gentle pat, "I'm fucked up Miles." I rest my forehead against his, "I'm ready to die but not before I kill Paul and Monica."

He clenches his teeth, causing his jawline to become more prominent. "I'll find them boss, I won't let you down."

Miles leads me to the bathroom and I clean my face up quickly. Exiting the bathroom, I see him standing, staring out at the greenery of the woods out back.

"What's on your mind?" I ask, approaching him slowly.

Miles shoves his hands into his pockets then addresses me directly. "Since Paul was able to free himself, why didn't he kill us?"

My blank expression signifies my loss for words. I didn't think about it before, but it's a valid question.

Paul knows I wouldn't blink or think twice to kill him or Monica, so why not take the threat out?

"That baffles me too. I know I wouldn't have let the fucker live." My left hand strokes my beard as I try to come up with reasons why he wouldn't kill us.

Miles is about to head downstairs when the light bulb flickers in my head! "The fucker is turning us in Miles!"

He immediately pulls his gun, and heads downstairs. "GRAB EVERYTHING TO LEAVE NOW!" Miles orders as he exits and rushes to the vehicle.

Grabbing my clothes, I stuff them into my bag and descend the stairs two at a time. Rushing to the front yard, Miles already backed the van out and is waiting on me.

Jumping in, he speads off in the opposite direction from where we came. "You're going thr wrong way!" I shout, while checking my gun to ensure it's loaded.

"Think Boss! Won't they be expecting us to go that way?" He huffs and slams his hand unto the steering wheel.

Sighing, I run a hand through my hair, frustrated by the sudden hiccup. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCCCCKKK!!!"

Silence fills the van as we head farther away from the city. The thrill ringing of a cellphone startles us, causing Miles to swerve off the road.

Eyeing each other, we turn to see a phone laying on the backseat, the caller ID says Paul. Grabbing it, I answer the fucker. "You piece of shit, I'm gonna...." His eerie laughter renders me speechless.

"You should've killed me when you had the chance brother." He seethes, sending chills up my spine.

"If it's the last thing I do before I die, I'm gonna kill you and that bitch!" I shout.

Paul chuckles on the line. "We'll see about that. I'll show you what it means when the prey becomes the hunter."

Before I can respond, he cuts the call and I throw the phone at the windshield cracking it. It takes several deep breaths to calm me down, even as Miles makes new arrangements for us.

We continue driving for another hour before he pulls up to a Motel. He parks in the back beside the dumpster so the vehicle is blocked from view.

"Wait here, I'll go sort the rooms out. Pedro is on his way." Miles says then heads inside.

Ten minutes later, he returns with two keys and tosses one to me. "Room 17 and 18, they're adjoining. Let's go."

We hastily grab our stuff and head up the staircase. Miles pulls his gun and ensures that both rooms are clean before beckoning me inside.

Tossing my bag unto the bed, I slump unto the one seater that's in the corner. "We need to find that fucker and end this!" I mutter lowly.

Miles grimaces but he withholds his response. I can tell he wants to go off on me but is holding back because of respect.

"Go on, tell me I fucked up." I state, running my hand down my face.

He sighs and leans against the door, "When Pedro gets here, we'll figure out our next move."

With that, he exits the room and says he's gonna get food. As the silence consumes me, I'm forced to reflect on my life.

I'll admit I was a somewhat shitty father and husband but they never wanted for nothing!

Material things can never buy love or loyalty. My subconscious deadpans.

We're only humans afterall, a fucked up specie if you ask me.


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