Letting Go...

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Dealing with Paul's death and planning his funeral over the last week has been a  cumbersome task.

Orbyn and I literally forced Latoya and Anna to take a step back and allow us to handle everything.

After her argument with Orbyn, Anna needed a much needed break. Despite them making up, she still felt guilty about not telling him what was happening sooner.

Olivia handled the kids while Jason and Janice traveled back to LeiJa to sort paperwork and finalize a few deals.

I'm so grateful for them because otherwise we'd be a big mess!

The funeral is at 10 a.m and I'm struggling to get everyone on track and ready to go to the church for the service.

Latoya is dressed but her shoes are nowhere to be found, Anna has on her heels but she's still in her robe.

I look to Orbyn for help but he simply shrugs his shoulders and leads the kids outside.


Latoya is extremely moody, I'm guessing the stress has sent her hormones in a frenzy. Anna snaps for everything then apologizes so I think hard how to approach both of them.

Latoya is eating Cheerios as she stares out of space. I'm guessing the reality has finally sunken in regarding Paul.

"Babe, can you please put your shoes on and meet the kids outside please?" I ask softly.

She looks up at me and my chest feels tight instantly. Her eyes are watery and her lips are quivering.

"I...I...I don't wonna go anymore." She hiccups and wipes her face with her messy hands.

There's goes the makeup she spent the last hour doing!

Kneeling before her, I move the bowl first then dab her face gently with my handkerchief. "Baby, you need to get closure okay..." I lift her head so that our eyes meet. "Do this for me and the kids please."

This seems to reach her as she nods then moves to put her shoes on.

Yeeeessss!!!! My subconscious does a happy dance but stops suddenly as I approach Anna.

She avoids looking at me as she gnaws her bottom lip. Reaching out, I give her shoulder a gentle squeeze and she clutches my hand, holding it in place.

"Sis." I wait for her to acknowledge me fully. The moment she does, I plea my case. "This entire situation is conflicting for you but you need closure..." Anna looks away from me once more but I know she's still listening.

"Don't let the anger or sadness consume you, and please let Orbyn be strong for you this once."

There's a sharpe breath intake so I know I hit a nerve.

Fight or flight bro?

I decide to stand my ground, she needs to hear the truth one way or another. She reminds me of how I was when Roxanna died. I shut down completely thinking that I always had to be strong and put a brave face on.

Anna closes her eyes for a few seconds and the flood gates open. I try my best to console her but I know Orbyn is the one she really needs.

I shoot him a quick text and he comes bouncing in. She immediately goes to him and he leads her to their room.

Sighing, I lead Latoya outside to the waiting vehicles. Once we get in, she rests her head on my shoulder while Olivia rubs her back gently.

"I just wish we had more time." She finally admits.

I'm about to reply but Olivia beats me to the punch. "Time waits for no man honey. There are some things we cannot control, death being one of them."

She remains silent, hence Olivia continues. "Remember the good times you had together and be happy he's in a better place."

Latoya wipes her remaining tears and sits upright. "I know you're right Liv, but everything keeps coming at me hard..." She pauses as she starts twiddling her thumbs. "The Good, the bad and the ugly."

Just as I thought!

Olivia smiles softly but there's sadness in her eyes. "I've been there hun, but there is life to be lived after death."

That statement resonates with me so much, I couldn't help but smile.

Latoya nods but doesn't prolong the conversation. A few minutes later, Orbyn and Anna emerge from the house and enter the vehicle.

Silence engulfs us except for the kids sniffling now and then. Glancing at them, I realise Kairo is holding Aria's hand and they're now gazing aimlessly outside the window.

They had formed a bond with Paul the short time he had been with us, so it's understandable why they're both sad.

I make a mental note to monitor them closely as well, as kids process feelings or emotions differently.

There's not much traffic so we got to the church approximately fifteen minutes later.

As soon as we enter, there are collective gasps and whispers. Some pews are filled with persons either sitting or milling about, speaking in hushed tones.

They're either business colleagues, FBI or the very few relatives that he actually gave a shit about.

That's his daughter! Didn't she die? Is that her daughter too? Two kids and pregnant again! Are the Taylor's relatives?

At this point I only cared about my family so I ignored the wagging tongues, even as we took the seats at the front.

Reverend Shaw approaches us immediately with a polite smile. "How's everyone doing today?" He asks while glancing at my tribe.

I sigh, "We're keeping it together despite the circumstances."

He nods in understanding, "Take it in strides, you will be fine with time."

Anna and Latoya stand and move toward the casket for the viewing. We're about to follow suit but they signal us not to.

We opted not to let the kids take part in the viewing since they had nightmares about death after we went to the hospital.

I watch as they stand in each other's embrace just looking at Paul's remains. They start talking to each other then they both smile and signal the undertaker to close the casket.

As they walk back to us, I can't help but feel relieved as I see fierce determination on their faces.

Thank God!

Latoya kisses my cheek as she sits and pulls  Kairo into her lap, while I open my arms to a waiting Aria.

Anna sits between Olivia and Orbyn and looks ahead with a hint of a smile on her face, as she holds their hands.

Karl, Kayan, Martin, Janice, Jason and Vernon are all seated behind us, each wearing a sunglass with a solemn expression.

The procession starts a few minutes later and we all stand as the officiating ministers walk down the aisle in unison.


Hey Loves,

One step closer to the end of Sweet Destiny...I mean it this time!!!!😉

Your thoughts on Anna and Latoya's grief?

Can you guess what's next?

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