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Thank you New York! I'm gonna miss you! My subconscious screams as we touch down in Florida.

I can't help but feel excited as I stare through the window and smile. There's no place I'd rather be right now, well, except in my bed sprawled out naked.

Glancing beside me, I see Jonas still sulking from our miniscule argument earlier. I finally told him what Dr. Martin said and saying he's pissed would be an understatement.

He went off! Then to make matters worst, instead of being regretful and apologizing for everything my horny ass moaned loudly.

Jonas looked at me incredulously and just walked away. Guilt is gnawing my insides away now though but the demon in me is smirking.

All I could think about while he berated me was how good it would feel to have him thrusting inside me roughly while slapping my ass.

This child has officially crossed all the wires in my head, rendering me sex depraved.

Leaning my head unto his shoulder, he tenses. "What is it Latoya?" He asks tersely.

Damn, he's still mad. Sighing, I reply. "Are you ever gonna stop being mad at me? "




This went on for about five minutes before he finally responds. "I don't think you even understand how anxious I feel about you and this pregnancy."

I'm scouring my brain for the right response but none is forthcoming. Jonas takes my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"If I have to tie you to the fucking bed to keep your ass quiet, then that's what it's gonna be."

Gasping, I look at his face waiting for him to laugh or smile but he's dead ass serious!

"Jo, what's the big deal about this? I'm pregnant, not crippled!" I whisper yell, causing him to yank his hand away.

In seconds he fastens it to my throat and the freak in me flicks her lips excitedly.

He leans his forehead to mine, "Mi refuse fi lose you to, an mi a go fuck yuh hard til yuh understand yer dat."

I think I just soaked my panty. My subconscious doubles over laughing.

Jonas applies a little pressure to my throat and slides his hand under my dress. He expertly rubs my soaking pussy and captures my mouth in a searing kiss as I'm about to moan loudly.

Slipping a finger inside my soaking heat, he whispers lowly. "Are you gonna stop being stubborn?"

I manage to croak yes and he smirks as he curls his finger as my pussy clenches around his finger. He continues pumping inside me and I can't help but grip his hand as my body convulses in pleasure.

Fuck! I'm gonna die a happy, sated woman.

Jonas thumbs my clit, I buck jn pleasure no longer caring if the others heard. My eyes flutter close as he reigns kisses on my face and on my neck.

He kisses my lips then bites gently, "Yuh wah cum?" Jonas pumps faster, adding a second finger and I lose it!

"Fuck! Baby yes!" I mewl as I feel my stomach clench. Widening my legs, I raise them higher so he could do whatever he wanted with me. I only want to cum.

My stomach swirls, my breath hitches and my eyes close involuntarily. Just as I'm about to combust and break apart into a million pieces, the fucker pulls his fingers out.

My orgasm is gone! My eyes flick open immediately and I'm forced to watch as he licks his fingers clean before unlocking our seatbelts.

Anger and frustration surges through me, and my eyes well with tears instantly. Jonas pecks my lips but I'm unmoving as I try to decide on raping him or slapping him hard!

"We're both feeling the same way now baby." He sighs, "I already lost Roxanna, I refuse to lose you too, so help me God."

My mouth opens to speak but no words are forthcoming. Why didn't I realise this sooner?

My subconscious scoffs, took you long enough to pull your head out of your ass!

Throwing myself at him, he caresses my back as I cry my ass off apologizing. I never once thought about how scary this must be for him. Yes, he's over the moon about the baby, but so was he with Aria but he list Roxanna in the end.

On God, I decided right then and there to reevaluate my decisions and adjust my behaviour real quick.

"I'm not trying to dictate your life Latts, I just want these next few months to be stress free."

Pulling away, I wipe my face with the back of my hand. Girl, you be looking like a drag queen right now! My subconscious says, she's having a jolly good time today.

"Babe, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna make it up to you I promise." I sniffle.

Jonas looks at me but narrows his eyes as he sighs. "Me love yuh bad enuh woman." He smiles briefly, "But sometime mi wonda if ya try kill mi wid stress!"

He hisses his teeth and eases up to pull a rag from his pocket. Wiping my face, he simply stares at me.
"Don't take it fi joke when mi say my wife, my life yer dat."

I can only nod at this point, while my subconscious swoons like a love sick teenager. Shuffling from infront us grabs our attention and our heads snap forward to see Janice,Anna and Olivia smirking.

What now?

Olivia stretches her hand out while Anna and Janice begrudgingly place a hundred bucks each into it. Liv beams happily, "They bet you were doing the nasty but I knew otherwise."

We chuckle, shaking our heads as Jonas gets up then helps me.

"I was about to for a minute there but immo wait til we get home so she can sit on my face. Right baby?"

Anytime now Jesas, open di earth an swallow me!

My face tinges bright red as I scoot away from him and pass the stunned trio.

Jonas has no fucking chill! After they recover from the shock, I'm never gonna live this down.

Pushing them ahead, we exit the jet to see the kids seated in the Jeep with Jason and Orbyn. Jonas grabs a handful of my ass and chuckles.

"You're not going with them right now." He states lowly causing me to look at him confused.

"What, why?" I ask sulking from embarrassment.

He smirks, "Easy wid di attitude man, we have pressing business to attend to."

Instantly I start wracking my brain to pinpoint what business we have that's so important.

Jonas snickers, "Don't worry your pretty little head baby."

Shrugging, I exit unto the tarmac and quickly wobble over to the kids who are poking their heads through the window.

Kairo smiles, "Are you ready now Mommy?" I kiss his cheek then press my lips to Aria's forehead.

"Yes baby, but I have to go with Daddy for a little bit okay."

They both nod and I glimpse the look they quickly exchange. "Bye Mommy, love you." They say simultaneously.

"Aweee,I love you too my babies."

A throat clearing behind me interrupts our moment and I turn to see Jonas. Scoffing, I slap his chest as I walk past him. "Don't be hating on my kids because they love me more."

Jonas laughs loudly as he follows suit, "We'll see about that soon enough."

With that, we head to the vehicle and he drives off from the airport. Weariness sinks in slowly and I drift off to sleep.

Sometime later, I'm shaken awake by Jonas and as soon as I open my eyes my heart stops, I swear!

Looking behind him, I gasp at the sight before my eyes and simply start crying.


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