Ride the Wave

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The last few weeks have been a complete daze for me. With everything going on at home and with my father, I'm stressed as fuck.

He's been back in the States under Anna's watch with maximum security. Though I've been watching the live feed she sent to me, I haven't been to see him.

It's like someone ripped bandaids from my wounds and is simply watching as I bleed out.

He's deteriorating slowly but surely from the cancer and still refuses treatment.  The only thing he accepts is morphine for pain management.

Each day, I watch as he writes on a notepad, breaks down, write and breakdown again.

It's like he's stuck in a loop!

Jen and Anna have been trying to convince me to see him, hoping I'll agree. They believe if he knows I'm alive then he may decide to live, but I disagree.

He didn't care before so what's changed now?

On the other hand, I know Jonas is curious about my funk but I guess he's waiting for me to open up.

How do I know this? Everyday he hugs me and says "I'm here whenever you're ready baby."

In return I just give him a gentle squeeze and whisper thank you.

My biggest fear is opening the can of worms which contains my sordid past. How will he react when I tell him absolutely everything?

Will it change how he feels about me? About Kairo?

God! I can't imagine the heartbreak Kairo will endure if we lose Jonas and Aria. He's become so attached and I've never seen him happier.

A tap on my car window startles me, breaking my chain of thought.

I spot Anna grinning like a freaking idiot and hiss my teeth as I open the door.

"Will you ever grow up?" I huff as I smack the back of her head.

She groans but smiles immediately after. "You should've seen your face!"

We talk idly for a while before she broaches the issue at hand.

"I hope you've changed your mind. You need to hear him out." She says solemnly.

Sighing, I zip my jacket up and wrap my arms around me tighter. It's as if I'm trying to protect myself or offer some semblance of reassurance.

I'm an hour away from home with Anna since Jonas had a meeting in Tampa. The kids are with Olivia as I told them I needed to finish marking papers and do reports.

"You better pray I don't regret this shit Anna. What could he possibly have to say?" My voice raises an octave, hinting at my suppressed anger.

She pulls me into a tight hug, "I just want you to trust me okay. You'll be okay, I promise."

We remain still for what seems like forever until I pull away. After taking a deep breath, I decide.

"Fine. Let's get this shit over and done with."

Anna fist pumps the air and starts leading me towards the warehouse. My heart starts beating rapidly in my chest the closer we get to the door.

She pauses as her hand rests on the keypad. Once the scan is completed, she enters the code and the door clicks open.

"Stay here until I give you the signal." She grins at my confused state. "Technically you're dead remember?"

I roll my eyes as she slips inside the door. I lean my ears to listen but whatever is being said is in  hushed tones.

Just as I'm about to walk away, she opens the door and beckons me inside. Taking a deep breath, I enter the building and lock eyes with my father who's face immediately becomes ashen.

He lurches backwards, causing his chair to scrape the floor loudly. I'm unmoving and shocked as I stare at his frail form.

In seconds, he falls to his knees and starts weeping uncontrollably. Tears prick my eyes as I watch him and listen as he begs for my forgiveness.

Paul leans forward, bowing his head and hugs my legs as sobs wrack his body. I finally allow myself to feel, and I close my eyes causing hot tears to trail down my cheek.

My trembling hand rests on his shoulder as I attempt to comfort the broken man before me. He's simply overcome by emotions to care how open he is emotionally right now.

"Da..Dad stop." I coax gently although inner turmoil is ripping me apart. It's a bitter sweet moment as I get a glimpse of my wonderful father growing up. That is soon tainted by my horrid memories of when I needed his help or protection.

I step back suddenly feeling repulsed by him. "You don't get to do this Paul!" I shout angrily, shocking myself and Anna whose mouth is wide open.

He rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. "I'm so sorry Janice..." He wipes his tear stained face with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Please, let me explain and I hope you can forgive me one day." He pleads desperately.

I turn away from him and try to leave but Anna blocks me. "Move Anna!" I bellow while trying to go past her.

She's unphased. "No. I told you to listen first then do whatever you want afterwards."

I sob into her shoulder and she caresses my back slowly. "Calm down sis. Just trust me okay?"

Her eyes are pleading and I simply can't tell her no. Nodding, I turn to face my father before moving to the farthest chair in the room and sit.

"You have 20 minutes. Let's hear it." I state nonchalantly.

Paul nods in appreciation then sits on the bed. I watch as he removes his right shoe, lift the heel off and retrieves a flash drive.

He tosses it to me, "That will corroborate everything I'm about to tell you Janice. Thank you for hearing me out."

I take a deep breath, "Janice Bradford is dead. My name is Latoya Adams." I state coldly.

He's taken aback by my curt tone but simply takes a deep breath and starts talking.

And that my friend, is when the shit hit the fucking fan!


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