Rest in Paradise

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It's now 11 a.m and we're sitting in the front pews of the St. Andrew Catholic Church. Father Gordon is leading the memorial service for George. Tributes have been flowing amidst the outpouring of love and admiration.

I never met him, but by the sadness and despair gripping everyone in attendance, I know we've lost a stalwart.

Though the church is brightly lit, the atmosphere is filled with gloom and sadness. Sniffles and wails fill the air occasionally and each time Jonas would get tense beside me.

He's been quiet the entire time, unmoving unless Aria demands his attention. His expressive eyes are covered by his black Valentino shades, hiding his red brimmed and swollen eyes.

Jonas leans toward me as Marguerite heads to the podium with her son Omar in tow. She dabs her eyes with a white handkerchief as she places an iPad down.

She stares blankly at the casket, almost as if she's transitioned to another dimension. Before long, Marguerite collapses unto Omar who breaks down too.

It's too painful to watch, so I glance at Jonas who hands Aria to me. He rises to his feet, Jason follows suit and they move swiftly to assist.

Aria snuggles into my chest, as she's sleepy while Kairo plays a game on my phone.

They bring Marguerite back to her seat and after  exchanging a few words, Jonas nods and returns to pick up the iPad.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen. I wonna thank you all for your support to the Walker family during this difficult period." I watch as he takes a deep breath and sighs.

Jason is a mess beside him, his tears are now dripping unto his suit jacket. My heart aches for them all, and my eyes finally deposit the unshed tears that have been brewing for a while.

Jonas manages to complete reading the eulogy and as he closes, he makes an announcement.

"Cape Coral has lost a stalwart but heaven has gained an angel. On that note, I'd like to announce a 1 million dollar reward for any information that can lead to the arrest of the perpetrators."

Gasps and hushed whispers fill the church followed by applause and even whistles. As he walks back toward us, Marguerite and Dorian hug him while Omar dabs him.

Jonas finally reaches us and sits with a huff. "You gon be alright hun?" I ask softly.

He nods, takes my hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze. "George didn't deserve to die like this." Jonas sighs, pulling his hand away he balls them into tight fists.

"I know babe, hopefully we'll find the people who are responsible." I state,  trying to reassure him.

We shift our attention to the podium once more as Peyton talks about her Grandpa. She speaks about their adventures and date nights when he'd take her to a movie then get ice cream.

As if realizing George wouldn't be around anymore, a shrill cry fills the church and she runs to Omar sobbing uncontrollably.

At this point everyone breaks down and everything becomes a blur. Olivia's video tribute is the final item since she's home recuperating from a broken leg and arm from the freak accident.

The service finally comes to a close and the hearse drives toward the cemetery with the procession behind.

Jonas parks by the curb and Jason pulls up behind us then move to perform their duties as pall bearers. After exiting the vehicle, we trek toward George's final resting place.

The casket is placed unto the stand and Father Eduardo now opens it for the final viewing. Father Gordon profers instructions to the milling crowd, asking for cooperation and patience.

Marguerite, Dorian and Omar are the first viewers along with Peyton who clutches tightly to his hand.  They cried openly, weeping uncontrollably for the man, the myth, the legend.

Jonas and Jason stand side by side just staring at George as he lays in his casket. Aria tugs on my hand and I bend to her level. "Why is Daddy crying?" She asks pouting.

I stoop down completely, rubbing her arms with mine. "He's sad honey, because George is going to be in heaven now."

Aria's face crumbles and her eyes get glassy with tears. "Oh baby, don't cry." I coo gently , pulling her into my arms.

She wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes as she cries in my neck. "I don't want him to gooooo..." Aria becomes a blubbering mess, "I don't want Daddy to be sad." She  catches Jonas' attention immediately.

He moves to us swiftly but when he tries to take her, she screams, "Noooo, don't leave me Mommy!"

We're stunned by her outburst, both of us evidently shocked!

Jonas looks unsure of what to say so I mouth 'It's okay' to which he smiles and nods

Regaining my composure, I rub small circles on her back in an attempt to calm her down. "Calm down Ari, your Dad and I aren't going anywhere okay."

She nods but continues to cry and my heart literally breaks piece by piece. As if on cue, Kairo starts crying and Jonas hoists him up into his arms. He clings to Jonas' neck as he watches Aria and I attentively.

Jason approaches us with Janice in tow. She takes in the scene before her and quickly looks away as fresh tears trail down her cheeks.

Despite being worried about the kids' emotional state, we all manage to make it through the burial. As Father Gordon reads the last rites, we join in to toss dirt unto the coffin as it is lowered into the ground.

It's somewhat like a deja vu, only the last time I also spat unto Michael's grave and rejoiced inwardly.

Today however, I joined the others in mourning a man who was an exceptional husband and an extraordinary father and employee.

As the grave is sealed, the mourners sang  Amazing Grace as it was George's favorite hymn.

Once everything was done, we headed to Lake Kennedy Centre for the repass. Aria refused to let go of me so I sat in the back with her in my lap while Kairo clung to my side.

I watched in awe as he kissed her forehead then hugged her gently. "Everything will be okay Ari." He says, evoking a beautiful smile from her.

As I glance forward, I realise Jonas was watching the entire exchange with a smile plastered unto his face.

The best is yet to come.


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