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Call it a gift and a curse with having two 6 year olds under one roof! On one side, they are no longer lonely beings longing for companionship. On the other side, they're both driving me nuts asking about getting a sibling!

Jonas has been popping in and out, and yes we've been sneaking around but the kids have never seen us together! He thinks it's cute that they're bugging me and even offered to father my non existent child.

It's Thursday and I feel like a truck has hit me head on. My head hurts, my throat is sore and I've been coughing persistently.

I couldn't even make it to school today. Thank God for Olivia as she literally came to the rescue. Kairo and Aria insist on nursing me back to health but I've resorted to locking my room door to keep them at bay.

It's now 11:46 a.m and I've managed to secure a a 12:15 appointment with Dr. Dahlia Arnold at Cape Coral Medical and Surgical.

Scrambling out of bed, I pull on a Nike joggers set as I feel chilly despite the nice sunny weather. Retrieving my keys, I lock up and head out to the Jeep only to see my rear left tyre flat.

Groaning, I call Jonas to see where he's at as i know his meeting got cancelled earlier.

He picks up on the second ring, "Hey hun, what's up?" He asks in a chirpy manner.

A fit of coughs erupt from my chest, I take a few deep breaths before replying. "Hey, I'm supposed to see Dr. Arnold at 12:15 but my tyre is flat..." I begin coughing again, this time my chest burns horribly. "Can you take me please?"

My chest tightens, and I begin wheezing horribly. "Sure, I'm gonna head over right now." He pauses, "Just lay down til I get there."

I drag myself back inside and get comfortable on the sofa. Pretty soon my eyes get droopy and sleep consumes me.

A persistent knocking wakes me sometime later and I scramble to open the door. Dizziness causes me to swoon wildly but Jonas holds my waist to steady me.

"Damn babe, you don't look too good." He rests his hand unto my forehead, "Let's get you outside so we can leave."

I lean into him as he leads me to the truck, sniffling as my nose is now runny. "I want to sleeeeeep." I whine as he opens the passenger door and helps me to get seated.

Jonas locks up the house and pulls out minutes later. He holds my hand the entire time, caressing it in a soothing manner.

We arrive at Dr. Arnold's office minutes later and he helps me to get inside. I'm roasting with a fever and I just want to curl up in my bed right now.

Once I'm seated, Jonas goes to speak to the nurse and moments later, we're being escorted to Dr. Arnold's office.

"Hey Latoya, what's up with you hun?" She asks concerned. I plop unto the chair and before I can reply, Jonas speaks up.

"She's terribly sick. Fever, dizziness and drowsiness. Please help her." He says worriedly.

Dahlia looks at me smiling cheekily, "Oh I definitely will dear." She points to the bed, Jonas helps me to lay down then she does the ascultation .

After examining me for a few minutes, she speaks. "This is definitely the flu that's been going around for the last 2 weeks." She starts writing on a prescription pad. "I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics, vitamins and antihistamines for you."

I nod weakly, "Thank you so much." I croak lowly. Even I'm surprised by the timbre of my voice right now.

My attempt to sit up proves futile, Jonas grins and helps me up. "Come on, all you gotta do is ask though. " He says poking my cheek.

Dahlia is smiling at the exchange, but I look away shyly. "You need to stay away from Kairo hun, you do not want him getting this flu." She hands me the script which Jonas quickly plucks from my hand.

"I've had to admit atleast 3 kids in the last few days, they developed pneumonia." She cautions and my eyes widen in fright.

Sighing, I get off the bed. "That's easier said than done. You know Kairo hates when I'm sick." I deadpan as I grab my bag to head outside.

Dahlia smirks before responding, "Oh I'm sure Mr. Leimont here will be a great nurse."

Jonas grins and salutes her, "Oh, I definitely will be her night nurse." His voice has a clear undertone but I pretend not to be affected.

We bid her goodbye and head outside to pay the cashier and leave. Jonas pulls out of the complex and drives for 5 minutes before he pulls up to Rite Aid Pharmacy.

"Be a good girl and stay put while I get your meds." He says, wagging his finger at me as if I'm being a petulant child.

Hissing my teeth, I slap his hand away and scoff. "Do that again and you'll be one finger short."

He chuckles and exits the van, then heads inside the pharmacy. When I'm sick, I need comfort food so I send him a message.

Me: Can you pick up:
Lightly salted cashews, Twizzlers, Kit Kat, Peanut M&Ms, Sour skittles , Gatorade
Please.. thank you😉

Within minutes, a response comes through.

Jonas😘: Yes Your Magesty. Are you sure there's nothing else you need?

Me: Nah, not right now. I can always send you back later though😛

Jonas😘: You gotta pay me😅
Jonas😘: And no, I don't need cash.😉

I lock my phone, not wanting to entertain his dirty thoughts right now. My phone vibrates, Olivia's name flashes across the screen.

"Hey Liv, what's up?" I say wearily. She gasps, I'm guessing it's because of how horrible I sound.

"Oh no baby, you sound even worst than this morning!" She screeches and I smile. She's the over protective mother I've longed for all these years!

I sigh deeply, "Yeah, Dahlia says I got the flu and I need to stay away from the kids."

She chuckles, "Childdd, you know that's not gonna happen with these two!" I hear a door open in the background, "By the way, where are you now?"

"I'm at the pharmacy, Jonas is picking up my meds." I state shyly. Even though she knows we're dating, it still feels weird talking to Olivia about him.

She giggles, "Aweee, that's so sweet of him." The line goes silent, so I move the phone to check if the call got disconnected.

"Liv? Are you there?" I say.

"Yes hun." She pauses again, "Oh, why don't you stay with Jonas until you're better?" Im about to shoot the idea down but she interrupts me, "That way you won't have to worry about the kids getting sick."

I start kneading my forehead, "I don't know Liv. He'd have to agree but I don't think that's a good idea."

Olivia chuckles, "Oh nonsense, I already told him and he agreed of course." She sighs, but it seems more on the happy side, "I'll bring you some clothes later."

I can just imagine the smile plastered on her face right now!

"Sure Liv, although I have a strong feeling my bag is already packed."

There's no response forthcoming as she cuts the call immediately!

That woman is something else!


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