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It's been 4 hours since we arrived in Culiacan and settled in. Miles managed to acquire a 3 bedroom house on the outskirts of the city that's now overrun with men from the Sinaloa Cartel.

I'm sitting in the musky living room drinking Petron while he opens the windows, trying to air the place out.

"Boss, everything is set in motion. They'll be here by sundown." Miles says confidently, eliciting a nod of approval from me.

"Well, let's give those fuckers the welcome they deserve." I chuckle before rising to my feet and heading to the basement.

There's a single light bulb dangling from the roof and the slight breeze from the open window whisks it around.

Two chairs are cemented into the floor with shackles for both arms and feet.

Guess it's a slaughter house BnB.

A wooden table is off to the side and I place my toolkit unto it. The rage surging inside me is beastial and I'm impatient to sate my thirst for revenge.

Paul will finally see the dark side that I buried all these years and Monica will be reminded of how inhumane I can be.

Miles descends the stairs with a forlorn expression. "What is it?"

He sits on the last stairs and sighs. "We hacked Paul's email today..." Miles closes his eyes and takes a deep breath."

I grab the front of his shirt, "Spit it out goddamn it!"

Miles pats my hand and shows me the phone screen, "I'm sorry boss."

Taking the phone, my heart crumbles into a million pieces as I stare at the obituaries of Janice and Jaiden.

Falling too my knees, a guttural scream escapes me and Miles tries to comfort me. Hot tears flow down my face, dripping unto my shirt.

My grandson is gone!

" Miles?" I manage to ask. He sighs and  helps me up to sit on the stairs.

"The death certificates say they died in a car crash. They died instantly."

Grabbing my hair, I tug it trying to ease the throbbing pain in my head. Why didn't that bitch die and leave my grandchild?

Selfish in both life and death! My subconscious mutters angrily.

"Silas is supposed to locate the graves, I told him to get a teddy bear and car for Jaiden."

Hearing this, I appreciate Miles even more as he's always one step ahead. "Thank you Miles. This means so much to me."

He nods in acknowledgment but his phone rings before he could reply.

Miles answers and after listening for a few minutes. A smile breaks free as he fist pumps the air.

As he ends the call, we head upstairs. "Our guests are 5 minutes out."

Reaching the living room, I drag a chair to the hallway and take a seat. My legs immediately start bouncing in anticipation and I press my hands on them to still all movements.

Miles and I discuss business since he's been handling most things for me discreetly. Minutes later, the vehicle's headlights illuminate the living room.

It flickers on and off three times and I watch as Miles retrieves a flashlight and does the same.

The gravel crunches as footsteps approach the house, my gun is cocked and ready regardless.
Whimpers and grunts fill the living room and I hear Miles snicker followed by a thud.

I watch as Monica crouches down to a battered Paul, whose face is almost unrecognizable. Smirking, I watch with hatred as the bitch begs for his life.

Miles glares at her while I step back into the shadows, waiting for everything to unfold. Heading to the basement, I go to the darkest section of the room.

The poor lighting only illuminates up to my waist and I chuckle evilly. Imagine the surprise on the motherfuckers face when they realise I'm here!

Paul clings to Monica as they enter the basement. "Pleeaase, let us go." Miles kicks him down the remaining steps and he lands on his stomach.

Monica screams hysterically, "Miles! Please stop! I'll do anything!" She drops to her knees in a praying stance.

Not even God can help you today!

Miles disregards her as he straps Paul to the chair roughly. "Sit the fuck down Monica, or I won't hesitate to shoot you!" He says tersely.

She sits immediately, her hands trembling, legs shaking in apparent fear. I bide my time, watching as Miles ties both of them up, then bitch slaps both of them.

"Traitors!" He seethes and I smile in satisfaction.

They whimper in pain and just as Paul is about to speak, Miles gestures towards me. "We have a special guest who's been dying to see you both."

I chuckle at his sarcasm before stepping from the shadows. Standing beneath the light bulb, it casts a golden hue upon my skin and I laugh at their shocked expressions.


"How nice to see you both." I seethe, my voice dripping with venom.

Monica starts hyperventilating, a clear sign of how scared she is right now. I smile as I walk toward her, "My dear Monica, couldn't keep your legs closed I see."

Paul tries speaking but his words are jumbled as blood oozes from his busted mouth. I lean closer to him, "What's that old friend?" I chuckle as he grunts in pain.

"Leave..." He takes a labored breath, "...Her out..." Paul coughs spitting up blood. I quickly step back so he doesn't mess my clothes up.

He looks at me pleadingly, "She didn't have anything to do with this."

Throwing my head back, I laugh at his desperate plea. "And I'm to just take your word for it right?"

Miles hits him hard in the back, and Monica screams.

"Please stop, he's sick!" She belts out, wrestling against her restraints.

I look at her with a blank expression, "And why the fuck should I care?" My voice bellows, causing both of them to flinch.

"Did he care when he was ratting me out?" I slap her hard, the impact causing her head to spin.

"Did either of you care while you fucked each other?" I chuckle, "No I don't fucking think so!"

Rage consumes me and I pull my gun out, shooting Monica in the leg. An ear splitting scream leaves her lips and I mimic her.

"Feel my pain you bitch! You left me to rot in that cell!" I whisper and bite her ears.

Paul struggles to break free, but Miles stands ready to shoot him.

"Aren't you gonna stop me Paul?" I tease, before shooting him in the leg as well.

He groans and stares daggers at me. "I should have killed you when I had the chance." Paul seethes and I guffaw.

"Oh boo hoo Paul! Now I'll show you why you should have killed me."

He has a smug grin on his face, the same he'd display when we plotted revenge or a murder.
A shiver runs through my body but I choose to ignore it.

Miles and I take turns beating both him and Monica before leaving them battered in the basement.

Tomorrow is a new day.


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