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On my way home to grab Aria's stuff, I detour to Coral Gardens Cemetery for some strange reason. My mind is whirring with a myriad of thoughts but mainly because guilt is consuming me.

I sit beside Roxanna's grave and I just stare out into the emptiness that lies before me. Since she's been gone, this is the first time I've returned as Olivia always brought Aria with flowers.

At this point, I'm craving closure because of what has happened with Latoya but I feel as if I'm betraying Roxanna. We loved each other beyond words, she was my light, my missing piece, my everything.

When I lost her, a part of me died with her and I vowed to never replace her. That plan has been upended by Latoya Adams, the woman who first irritated my soul but has now started to thaw the ice from around my heart.

I don't know what's happened in her life before, but there's a primal need to protect her and Kairo.

Tracing the engravement on the headstone, I pour my heart out to her in droves.

In Loving Memory of Roxanna Leimont. Beloved Wife and Mother. Forever in our Hearts.

As I speak, I feel like a burden is lifting from my shoulders. I finally allow myself to believe when the doctors said Roxanne would not have survived even if I had gotten to her to the hospital sooner.

Tears stream down my face as I grieve the loss of my wife and mother of my child for the first time in 6 years. When she died, I felt as if my chest cracked in two but I had to suck it up the moment they placed a squealing Aria into my arms.

Neither did I shed a single tear at her funeral, as I was numb in every way. I buried myself in work, even more so after Olivia came into our lives.

Instead of processing my feelings, I pushed them to the crevices of my mind. I'm so lost in thought, that I didn't see Olivia beside me.

"I was heading out when I saw you." She says with a forlorn look on her face.

Using the end of my shirt, I wipe the tears from my face and stand up.

"How're you holding up?" I ask, remembering she visits her husband and son every Saturday. A drunk driver careened into their car 3 years ago. They died instantly.

"Much better than you Jonas." She smiles but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "You're finally here but I surmise something is amiss."

Know this, she has the ability to read people effortlessly. I shove my hands into my pocket, "I feel so lost Liv, I don't know what to do."

She pats my hand gently then we start walking to the parking lot. "Six years. Something or someone has woken you from your slumber."

Leaning against my jeep, I look out unto the horizon as the sun begins to set casting orange hues across the earth.

"Latoya and I finally made peace, we took the kids to the beach today..." I pause, feeling very nervous about what I'm about to disclose. "We kissed and I honestly felt alive again."

Olivia beams up at me, "You better not say you feel guilty! Six years is a long time and if you ask me, it's about damn time!"

My mouth drops open, she's always been frank about Aria but this surprises me. "Liv, wha...what are you talking about?"

She scoffs, poking my chest as she speaks. "I've seen you turn a million women down over the years, used Aria as an excuse repeatedly and bury yourself in work."

"In my defense it just didn't feel right." I reply, shrugging my shoulders for emphasis.

Olivia chuckles, "Damn straight because none of them were right for you!" She leans on the truck beside me. "The first time you spoke about Latoya, you blushed as red as a tomato. She got right under your skin."

I guffaw, not having a comeback to that because Olivia is freaking right! "Yeah, yeah but I still held back because I felt like I was betraying Roxanne by feeling again."

Olivia places a hand on her hip, "Honey, sometimes we lose a part of us when we lose our loved ones..." Her eyes get teary, "...But we just have to carry them in our spirit always and remember the good times we had together."

My heart feels like it's breaking all over again, this time for Olivia. I lost Roxanne and felt broken, so just imagine losing your son and husband at the same time.

She's strong, a formidable woman.

"Jonas, you're like a son to me. I'll tell you this one thing, it's okay to let go, to move on and to give yourself and Aria another shot at love."

Nodding, I pull her into a hug and we remain that way for quite some time, rocking to and fro on the balls of our feet.

In this moment, I realise that Olivia is the mother I lost while Latoya is possibly the woman I get a second chance at love with.

Taking a deep breath, I pull away and simply smile. "Thank you Olivia. I don't know how I will ever repay you for everything."

She swats my arm with brute force. "You can repay me by bringing her to dinner next Sunday."

I scratch the back of my head, remembering the events that took place earlier with Latoya. "Ummm, things are a little complicated right now Liv, maybe it's too soon?" I say, hoping she'll change her mind.

She hisses her teeth before stepping closer to me, "I suggest you better UN-complicate things by Sunday or we'll have some problems Jonas Anthony Leimont."

With that, she pats my jaw rather roughly and walks away humming.

I swear, I've three women in my life who are going to drive me crazy one way or another!

Tic Toc Jonas, you have a deadline to meet!


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