I've Got You...

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I swear this woman was sent to break every ounce of my resolve! How'd we get to almost fucking each other's brains out from just playful banter?

It took me 30 minutes in total to bust a nut in the shower, despite knowing Latoya was naked and willing in the next room.

Drying off, I don a white V-neck, boxers and a basketball shorts. I refuse to let my raging hormones distract me from the task ahead , and that is to have a serious conversation with Latoya.

Her reaction the first time and now the scar has confirmed my suspicions. Either she was sexually  assaulted or abused by a cold-hearted motherfucker.

Although we've moved beyond being mere  acquaintances in the last few months, I still wonna know everything before we seal the deal.

If there's anything holding her down, I want to be the one to hold her hand and help her through it. I wonna be the man to erase her fears and assuage any doubts she may be harboring.

Most importantly, I want to be the man who makes her happy, bringing a smile to her face everyday.

She's yet to emerge from the bathroom even though the shower stopped running 5 minutes ago. Shiiittt, I'd be nervous too if the roles were reversed.

Deciding not to wait anymore, I move to open the door but she beats me to it. "Impatient much." She goads, but I see the slight tremble of her lips.

Pulling her into me, Latoya fights to stifle a smile so I kiss her and push her unto the bed. I hover above her and watch as her breath hitches.

"We need to have a serious conversation young lady." I say softly.

Her flirtatious expression quickly dissipates, and is replaced with nervousness. Latoya looks everywhere except me and I can feel her tremble beneath me.

Perhaps, you need a new location?

Easing away, I pull her up and lead her to the love seat by the window. I plop myself down and pull her into my lap so she straddles me.

I start to massage her ass, legs and back slowly in a bit to get her comfortable. No words are exchanged between us, but there is communication as we gaze at each other.

Sighing contentedly, she leans her forehead against mine. "Ask me anything and I'll try my best to answer." She whispers after a few minutes.

A small smile tilts my lips and I resume massaging her lower back. "I sense you've endured something tragic that still affects you to date?"

I watch as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Nodding slightly, her hands tighten on my shoulder as she starts opening up.

"I was married several years ago to a very abusive man. I was merely a pawn for my father to gain more wealth, he sold me."

My body trembles in anger, as I pledge to make those motherfuckers pay for what they did to her.

Latoya uses her finger to smoothen the wrinkles from my forehead as my face morphs in anger. "It's all in the past, my husband died and my father went to prison eventually for his crimes."

I'm still pissed by what they did, but I push it all aside to focus on the incredible woman in Mt arms. "Prison is too good for that cunt babe! I swear I would fuck his ass up!"

She chuckles and hugs me to her body. " No worries babe, he'll never be half the man you are."

To say I'm mystified is an understatement, as Latoya  shares gory details of the torment she endured throughout her marriage.

An hour later, I cradle her sobbing figure as she unleashed everything she'd held back all these years. I've a new found respect and admiration for her, she's strong as fuck!

When she told me about Kairo's dad, I felt my heart crack in two. Imagine being robbed of the opportunity to meet your father, then get stuck with a sorry piece of shit!

"I'm so grateful that you allowed us into your life..." I kiss her lips softly as she pouts slightly. "That takes alot of strength and courage hun."

She bites her lips to prevent them from trembling, but I find it sexy as fuck! Lowering my hand to her ass, I squeeze gently causing her to giggle like a school girl.

"And now that I've found you baby, I ain't gonna look no further." I sang, shocking the living the shit out of her!

Her hand clasps over her mouth in shock, she blinks a few times before she speaks, "Why didn't you tell me you could sing?"

I shrug, "Can't use all my tricks at once now can I?" Latoya hisses her teeth and slides off my lap to stand by the floor to ceiling window.

Stepping behind her, I lock my hands around her waist and I tuck my face into her neck. After a few seconds, I start singing Lucky Dube's Got You, one of my favorite oldies.

We sway to the beat and simply bask in each other's company. By the time I finish, she turns around and simply crashes her lips to mine roughly.

Without wasting a single second I take control of the kiss, hoist her up and lock her legs around my waist.

Moments later, I unwillingly break the kiss and our ragged breathing fills the room. Tremors rock her body as she runs her hands all over my upper body.

I nip her earlobe gently, "Don't start what you can't finish Latts." I warn.

She simply giggles and starts sucking on the base of my neck. A throaty groan escapes me as  trepidation seeps through my pores slowly.

I gaze into her eyes, trying to spot even an inkling of hesitation or uncertainty but I find none.

"Are you sure about this hun?" My voice quivers as she presses her pussy down unto my crotch.

She smiles like a goddamn vixen and her response floors me, "Take it or leave it Jonas.." Latoya holds my face in place as she stares into my eyes, "I'm getting laid tonight with or without you!"


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