Wake Up Call

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Thrice! That's how many times Jonas  has fucked me senseless over the last few hours. I'm so tired and at this point in time sore, but I have to admit that I've enjoyed every stroke, slap, kiss and twist.

His dick has got to be a descendant of Lucifer as it has possessed my hole! I'm sprawled in the bed on my stomach while Jonas has one leg thrown over me.

His eyes are hazy with sleep but his head is propped on one arm while the other draws lazy circles on my back. I peer at him through my lashes, wondering how I got so lucky!

Nah boo, you're blessed!

I'm finally at peace, happy once more and I can freely be myself without worrying if I'm fucking up or if I'll be beaten mercilessly.

"Want me to run you a bath?" He asks huskily before placing a tender kiss on my shoulder blade.

Nodding, I rub my eyes sleepily and he flicks my nose before rolling out of bed stark naked. I blush, biting my lip as his semi hard dick slaps his leg.

He notices my stare and smirks, "You love fuck too much." Jonas points an accusing finger at me, "NO MORE DICK!" He says in a high pitched tone, causing me to laugh loudly.

"I honestly can't stand yo ass Jonas!" I state while rolling my eyes. I drag myself up and the sheet falls away exposing my hickey covered breasts and chest.

His eyes fasten to me and I shake my upper body  as Jonas bites his lips.  "You're such a fucking tease babe." Jonas tosses a pillow at my face but I block it in time, then he heads into the bathroom.

The shower starts running and I'm tempted to join him. You're pussy ain't a race track hunny! That dick ain't going nowhere.

Deciding against it, I quickly check my cell then my burner phone that's tucked away in my tote.

There are 3 messages:

Jen Burns: Repeat UNWANTED visitor yesterday.😒🙄 Tears, letter for you.🤭

Jen Burns: Stage 4♋, no to Tx. (🥳🥱🥳)

Anna: Office line tapped by Cheng. Find a way to share Intel, be careful. Home Alone Marathon 4/10/22.

I quickly type my responses and toss the phone back into the bag as I hear the shower switch off. Wrapping the sheet around me, I pick up our clothes from the floor, toss them into the basket  then start stripping the bed.

Jonas emerges minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist and another drying his hair. He pecks my cheek before ushering me into the bathroom.

My bath is ready, and the sweet French Vanilla candle  scent is simply aromatic. Dropping the sheet, I step into the jacuzzi and instantly relax as the warm water kisses my skin.

Sighing, I sink all the way in and lean my head back closing my eyes. As the warm water soaks my body, the ache between my legs dull and I start feeling less exhausted.

There's movement in the bedroom but at this point I'm too far gone to even care. Shortly after, Jonas enters the bathroom dressed in a Grey t-shirt with black shorts with a tray in hand.

I smile as I eye the strawberries and grapes along with a bottle of Riesling. Sighing in appreciation, I sit forward and reach for a strawberry but he slaps my hand playfully.

"You won't even give a nigga a chance to spoil you!" He grunts before holding a strawberry to my lips.

I pout but quickly give in when he places it in his mouth and leans in. As I bite into the strawberry, juice trickles down the corners of my mouth and Jonas' eyes follow until it drips unto my chest.

"Stop looking at me like that Jonas, my pussy is retired for the night." He guffaws, throwing his head back. "Matter of fact, no more pussy for the month, it's broken!"

Jonas sobers up rather quickly, looking at me as if I've disrespected his mother. He hisses his teeth, "Stop chat fuckery babe." Without another word, he places the tray unto the tub and rises to his feet.

Leaning down, he kisses my sweet spot just below my ears "Immo go before I fuck you senseless in this tub."

My breath hitches and he kisses my lips chastely then walks away humming. My heated, blushing skin is enough evidence to show just how much I'm affected by his words.

I pick the bowl of fruits up and lean back as I reminisce on earlier while eating. Vivid images flicker across my mind, even a nun would blush at the things I've done with this man!

Time flew by quickly, and I'm pushed from my comfort zone by the now chilly water. Grabbing a louffa, I quickly bathe then unplug the stopper to let the water out. I exit the shower and grab a towel before heading towards the bedroom.

I'll grab the tray in the morning. I make a mental note to myself, before switching the bathroom light off.

As I enter the bedroom, I can't help but smile as soft snores drift from Jonas who's sprawled on his stomach. Grabbing my phone, I snap a picture of him using a snapchat filter.

After editing it, I save it to my gallery and send it to him while giggling. I grab my lounge shorts, don my underwear then slip one of his t-shirts on.

I slip under the fresh sheets and just as I'm drifting off to sleep, he snuggles into me and drapes a hand over my waist.

This moment is bittersweet, as I recall happier days before Michael. Blocking the memories that are fighting to let loose, I inhale Jonas' scent and close my eyes,  sighing peacefully.

Everyone deserves a little bit of happiness.

This time, I am determined to fight until the very end to keep it within my grasp.


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