Coffee, Cake and Café Dates [05]

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Warm brown liquid poured into the tea cup in front to you. The steam curled in mystical directions, wafting the scent of hot chocolate all around your face. It was a delightful tease. Sunlight trickled in from the sloping  ceiling that was supported by several wooden beams. The café was sparse and brightly lit, with customers heading in and out with the chime of the bell. Mocha & Choca was brand new and probably the cutest cafés you had ever been in. Playing with the spilt granules of sugar on the oak table with your index finger, you turned to your best friend. 

The girl besides you dipped her purple-painted thumbnail into the butter cream frosting of her chocolate cupcake, absent-mindedly, as she flipped to the next page in her book. Her dark lips wrapped around her thumb as her eyes stayed glued to the page. You were pretty sure that you had seen her read the book before. 

 "Whatchya reading?" You asked, nudging her elbow.

 She didn't look up when she replied.

 "'Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'. Book was made of the gods, I swear." She answered.

 You sighed. Sometimes Mikasa's love for gothic material felt like a major barrier between the two of you. More granules skittered across the table. She didn't wait and listen...not like Eren did. You rolled your eyes, unable to believe you were seriously comparing your best friend to a boy you hardly knew.

 "What's it even about?" You continued.

 She let out a frustrated breath. You knew how angering it was when someone distracted you from a good read but you couldn't help yourself, you were bored. You had forgotten the real reason why the pair of you were in here.

 "A scientist drinks a potion that makes him operate through his 'base instincts' in the process becoming the 'Mr Hyde'." She replied, pulling down the wrapper of her cupcake, finally deciding to eat it after ordering it fifteen minutes ago.

You blew the top of your cup, watching the steam disperse into the open air before finally taking a sip. Flicking your eyes across the room to where Armin Arlert was tending to a flock of elderly women, you realised they seemed completely smitten by him. Yes, he was the real reason why the pair of you were here. 

He had acquired a job at the quaint café and this was his first shift. You two had come to support him but then you both had gotten distracted in your own endeavours. Unlike you, the owner had actually gotten back to him. Lara Tybur was yet to contact you and you had worked that night shift at Tybur Titan Mart two days ago!

 You tapped on the table to get your friend's attention, pointing over at Armin.

 "Armin's a big hit with the ladies, eh?" The Japanese girl chuckled.

 You tipped your head back, cackling with laughter. The blonde caught on to your laughter and made his way over to you, brushing his bangs out of his eyes.

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