Submerging [prologue]

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-Violence isn't always evil

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-Violence isn't always's the infatuation with violence that is evil...


"Do it y/n! Pull the goddamned trigger!"

Water. Cold and wet. It consumed you from all angles, drawing you into its devilish depths. It enveloped you into its darkness. The upthrust of bubbles pushed your body upwards and you swallowed up the delicious gulps of oxygen. Insistent rain showered down upon you, attempting to force you back under. Your arm rubbed against something and you jerked back, forcing yourself to keep your head above the waves. The body floated for a second, the water was provided was a fleeting moment of warmth. A flash of sheet lightning enabled you to see the water diluted with the person's blood before the body fell under.

-The hardest things to let go of are the things you never really had...

You opened your mouth, desperate to scream but the water found its way in. Smothering your nose and mouth as the wind attempted to drag your body along with the current. Not even a gold medalist swimmer could withstand the force. Your mind tried to replay the moments prior to this, stopping the all-consuming fear from dimming your hope.

-If you don't fight for what you love, don't cry when you lose it...

Thrashing against the coarse waves, your clothes became the heaviest anchors. You were exhausted of trying to save yourself. What would be the problem if your head fell under? What if you touched the surface of death...just to try it. The acrid salt water felt as if it was incinerating your lungs, with each agonized breath you took. You had lied, loved, hurt, hated, broken, betrayed. It left you with one question...what had it all been for?

"y/n! Hold on! I'm gonna get you out of there!"

In the dim lighting, you could just make out his face. His dark hair that was matted to his face, those jade green eyes that searched for yours. He rested his knees against the river bank, frantically looking for ways to help.

-I wish I was a little kid again...scraped knees are easier to mend that broken hearts...

What had it all been for...?

Him. That was who all of this was for...

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