cast of Vikram nd Dharshan.

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Okay guys ! It's time to reveal the cast of Vikram. You all have a doubt that why I didn't expose it these days coz of I couldn't choose a perfect one. I had lot of options but today I'm fixed with that person. I think most of you must known him already and some are having crush on him. He's none other than Balaji Murugadoss.

 He's none other than Balaji Murugadoss

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He is our Vikram. He is good at photography. He only have his mother. Many girls have proposed him.
And other one is you've seen in the topic itself. Yes ! It's Dharshan. And the cast of Dharshan is also Dharshan. Okay here I am to clear your doubts.

He is our Dharshan (Brother of Dharma)

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He is our Dharshan (Brother of Dharma). He is an unemployed currently. He is interested in business but no one was as best as he wants to be. So, he is searching for a good partner for his business as well a good partner for his life.

Thank you guys ! Let's meet up with a new chapter tomorrow ! ✨ Have sweet dreams 😇

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