I can see the fear in his eyes disappear and replace with trust. "Will he come back?" he asked. "No... He will not. He was here to give the medicines. Now he don't have a reason to come here." I replied.

I then pulled him towards his room and handed him the fresh clothes and pushed him inside the bathroom to change. My kitten still had many questions to ask and he continued it throughout till he changed and appeared out looking really cute. He still continued to ask me questions and I was all willing to answer all of them.

"Kitten, we should have breakfast." I stated making him stop himself from the investigation he had started right after Weir left. "Okay..." he said softly. I asked him to head towards the dining room while I hurried to get fresh and change into comfortable clothes.

I walked towards the dining room and saw Pete already seated and waiting for me. After spending some time at my home, he was finally getting used to the food he was being served. He was still curious when he would see a new dish and inquire about it. But most of his questions were already answered.

"Let's have breakfast, then we will play video games." I said. "Yeahhhhhh!!" Pete exclaimed. His happiness clearly visible in his eyes. We finished breakfast and then were headed towards my bedroom.

When Pete entered the place, he looked around all fascinated. I should get used to this sight but I still don't!! "Is this your room?" he asked while inspecting it. "Yes my kitten. It's my room." I replied. He looked around checking each and everything and asking questions. He picked up few things from my childhood and asked me about them. I explained to them about it and also told him about the memories those things held.

Finally, after he was done with the inspection, we were finally going to play the games but then, my cell phone started to ring. I fished it out and saw the incoming call from my father. I frowned knowing that it was important and I will have to pick it up.

I pressed the answer button and placed the cell phone against my ear. "Hello por!!" I greeted. "Hello Ae. I would like you to come to my office right now and get Pete along." He commanded. Why does he sound annoyed?

"Por, is anything wrong?" I inquired. "No questions!! Do as I say." He said. I had no other option than agreeing to him and promising to be there in time. I disconnected the call and turned around to spill the news to Pete.

"Kitten, por wants us to be there at office. Go, get ready and I'll be there soon." I spoke. "But Ae... We were going to play video games!!" he said in protest. "Yes my dear... We were supposed to but por had asked us to come as soon as possible. So we will have to leave now. We can play games after we return." I said. I can see his sulking face as he got up and left the room.

I was completely dumbfounded seeing him showing his emotions. This was the first time I have seen him sulking. It also made me happy because I understood that he was letting me see his other side. Also trusted me to do things that he normally avoided with others.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards the closet. I grabbed the clothes and then soon changed while heading in the direction of Pete's room. I knocked on the door and opened it to find it empty. I went and check the bathroom but that too was empty. I returned back to the door thinking of calling James when I heard some voices.

"But I was going to play video game with Ae na..... Last time, Pond also promised of playing but then left without doing so. Now Ae also did the same." Pete was speaking in his grumpy tone. "Pete, he must be having some urgent matter otherwise he will never break the promise he made to you. How about this? You be a good boy, go with Ae and return and I will give you lot many chocolates." James spoke.

"But video games?" Pete asked again. My heart was melting hearing his cute voice. "I'll play with you." James finally said. "You know to play?" Pete asked to confirm. "Yes... I know. So, now be a good boy, go and change to fresh clothes and hurry back before Ae comes." James said.

I heard footsteps approaching and immediately hid behind the pillar. I watch Pete enter his room and close the door behind. I waited there for a while and soon, Pete appeared out all dressed up and looking presentable. I smiled seeing him.

He then rushed downstairs and I can hear him call for James. I followed him, taking slow steps so that I could get some time to hear what they talk. "That's like a good boy!!" James praised. "Why do you think por would have called me?" Pete asked.

"May be because of some work. You don't have to worry, he is really nice." James assured. "Who else will be there?" Pete inquired. "Don't know. Usually, there are people working in office and some visitors. If he had called you both so I guess there wouldn't be anyone. Just think that you are getting one more opportunity to go out." James said.

"Are you ready?" I asked making my appearance in front of the two. "Yes young master. Pete is ready to leave." James informed. They two have bonded so well in few days that Pete was finding it easier to confide in him. I have known James from my childhood, he had been there all the time as I grew up.

"Don't forget your promise." Pete stated. "What promise?" I asked even though I knew what they were talking about. "Nothing khrab...." Pete replied while smiling shyly. I knew too well that James will surely tell me what they both were talking about. "Drive safe young master. Take care Pete." James said.

"Come..." I said while holding Pete's hand and pulling him along with me while we walked out of the place. I made him sit in the passenger seat while I hurried towards the driver side. Don't know what's the matter that por had called me so urgently.

I pulled out of the premises, driving in the direction of the company. Pete was quiet all the time and I was stealing glances at him in between. He didn't look sad but he also wasn't excited. He looked out of the window watching the view as we passed by.

Finally, we arrived at the company and I parked the car in basement. Pete looked around the place. "It's soooo big." Pete said, his expression amused. "Come, Por will be waiting for us." I said while pulling him towards the elevator.

The ride in the elevator to the office was all silent as my kitten didn't even look at me. I tried to start the conversation but he was not in a mood to talk. We finally reached the top floor and the doors of the elevator opened revealing the desk outside my father's office where the receptionist was seated. She greeted us politely as usual as we walked towards the cabin.

I knocked on the door and opened it. I saw my father talking to two people seated in front of him. He gestured me to come in and my eyes landed on the two sitting in front of my father. "YOU!!!!!" I yelled.

Slave..... Will I Ever Be Free??Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang