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Ae's POV:

I left my seat and stormed out of the room while fuming in anger. Right this moment my only goal is to find Weir and kill him with my bare hands. Nothing else mattered to me except for the thought that Weir had tortured Pete to an extent that he might be completely ruined for life.

I walked out of the place while grabbing my car keys on the way and rushing out towards my car. I removed the gun I had placed at my back and loaded it while walking. I unlocked the car and was about to get in when I felt a strong pull on my shoulder.

I turned my head towards the person who had dared to stop me and saw my father standing behind me. "Do you think it's that easy to kill him?" por asked. "But por... You can see for yourself what he has done to Pete!! How can you expect me to keep quiet?" I shot back while still fuming in anger.

"Think about what you are going to do Ae!! I have always supported you no matter what, and would have supported you this time too if it was the right thing to do. Weir is not some ordinary goon whom you can kill that easily. How do you think he survived this long after committing all these crimes? Your this step is doing nothing but inviting more trouble for Pete. Do you want to do that?" por asked. I felt guilty for having acted out of instincts. I should have been thoughtful about what I was doing. Por was right, my one mistake might lead to Pete falling into more trouble.

I dropped my shoulder and looked at my father defeated. "I can understand you my son. Even I would have done the same. What Weir has done is far beyond human but we have to be careful while planning against him and..... think about it. Do you want to give him easy death? After all the pain Pete have been through, wouldn't you want Weir to feel the same?" Por questioned.

The thought of Weir facing all the things he had done to Pete and going through worst, was somehow soothing to my heart. Even though Por's words made sense, I still wasn't convinced on giving up the thought of killing Weir. Then something pulled the last string that made me stop and think over what I was going to do.

I was considering por's words when Pete appeared at the entrance. He rushed towards me with a tear stained face. The next moment, he hugged me tightly while crying out, "P-Please don't g-go.... P-por will h-hurt you too..." His words made my heart clench and I realized what mistake I was going to do. He was worried for me. My kitten was worried for me. This thought itself made my heart jump in happiness making me forget what I have planned to do.

I threw the gun aside and wrapped my arms around the little figure that was clutching on to me tightly. "I am not going...." I assured him while rubbing his back. I saw my father smile looking at us, James stood at the entrance watching us with the doctor beside him. But I was least bothered to pull away. Everyone walked back into the house and it was only me and Pete left outside.

After a while, Pete stopped crying and I pulled away to look at him. "How did you come to know that I was going to meet your por?" I asked. "I-I heard... Your por calling you and J-James said that you are going to meet por... I was s-scared..." he replied while sniffing.

"My kitten... I am not going anywhere now. Did you finish your ice-cream?" I questioned changing the topic. He shook his head indicating that he hadn't finished eating ice cream yet. "Okay... Let's finish the ice-cream... Then we will play outside..." I said while wiping the tears off his face and escorting Pete inside the house.

I made him sit and have ice-cream and then returned back to the living room. "I am sorry..." I apologized to the doctor. "It's alright dear... I can understand. I would like to request to you to bring Pete to hospital. I want to do some tests and confirm few things." The doctor spoke.

"Tests? What tests? Are they necessary?" I inquired. "Well, I could say that it is for making sure few things. We know that Pete was being fed some medicines that affected his mental growth. So, there are possibilities that the person might have been trying other things on him too..." the doctor said.

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