"Good gracious," Lily exhales

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"Good gracious," Lily exhales. "That's not what you told us you'd decided on."

Laura shrugs her shoulders with a look of mischief on her face. "Changed my mind. I'm the bride, I'm allowed." She strikes a pose, looking like a true disco queen. "What do y'all think?"

Opal decides to speak up, knowing she can curb her words better than the other two women. "It is very you! Fits your personality perfectly. But honestly, I thought it would be neon pink."

"Shocking, I know. But I'll be wearing my pink heels, don't worry." She looks over at the tailor. "Is the other outfit ready too?"

"Other outfit? What do you need with another one?" Lily asks. Apparently she's forgotten how demanding she was during her own wedding festivities.

"For the Bachelor/Bachelorette party," she answers simply.

"Yes, one moment." The tailor walks off down the hallway to the store room. She returns carrying something hidden by a garment bag. Laura follows her back into the dressing room once more.

"After the jumpsuit, I'm scared of what she's chosen for the party," Rae mentions. "I'm gonna look like a friggin potato in my maternity dress."

Opal shakes her head. "No you're not. They make some pretty sexy maternity dresses too. I'm sure we can find something for you." Still always the one to be her friend's hype girl.

"Okay," Laura calls out from the dressing room. "Maybe this will fix Opal's little comment about pink." The tailor opens the door for Laura to walk out.

"I'd say so," Lily says.

  The women all fawn over their friend for a few moments before she retreats back into the fitting room

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  The women all fawn over their friend for a few moments before she retreats back into the fitting room. They gather their items and move back towards the store front to wait for Laura.

  "Yep. Friggin potato," Rae groans as she plops down on a small couch in the front of the store.

  "You and me both, girl," Opal whines in agreeance.

  Five minutes pass before Laura rejoins her friends with a wide smile. "Ready for the next stop?"

  "Lunch, right?" Opal questions as she fishes for her keys in her purse.

  Laura shakes her head. "Nope. Come with me." She pushes open the door, stepping out onto the sidewalk. "You can put the keys away. We're taking a short walk."

  The girls all follow behind Laura as she leads the way, passing several stores before coming up to the crosswalk.


Opal POV

  I freeze in place, my feet unwilling to move as my heart rate increases. All I can do is watch my friends cross the street. It's not until they reach the other side that they turn to notice I'm not with them. 

  "Opal, what are you doing?" Laura calls out loudly.

  I can't even open my mouth to answer her. My voice stolen from the fear and panic that rests in my chest. My hands begin to shake as I see Lily crossing the road to come back to me. My chest begins convulse as I feel silent tears fall down my cheeks.

  "Ope, what's going on?" I hear Lily speaking to me, she's standing right in front of me, but I'm looking past her, my eyes focused on the street behind her.

  I open my mouth but the only thing that comes out are sounds of sobs. 

  "You're scaring me, Ope!" Lily cries out. 

  I swallow the best I can to try and catch my breath. I manage to get one word out, "Chris."

  Lily's eyes keep searching my own, completely confused as to what to do. I hear the voice of the others but I'm still too focused on the road.  I don't even realize that Lily is on the phone until I hear the same word I just spoke. 

  "Hey, Chris! It's Lily." There's a pause.

  "I'm not sure, but something is wrong." Another pause. "We are downtown with Laura for her fittings. We went to cross the street but Opal didn't follow us."  

  Her voice turns towards the girls. "What roads are we at?"

  "Watson and Phillips," Laura answers her.

  "Chris, we're at Watson and Phillips." Another pause. "Okay, Okay, hang on."  I feel Lily pick up my hand and place her phone in it. She lifts my hand, guiding it to hold the phone against my ear.

  "Opal," I hear his voice.

  "I'm sorry," I manage to mutter through broken breath.

  "It's alright, gorgeous. Can you breathe for me?"  He instructs me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth, counting it down for me. His voice beginning to soothe my soul as the breathing calms my racing heart. 

  "Facts," I squeak out.

  "A bolt of lightening contains enough energy to toast 100,000 slices of bread," he tells me, thankfully understanding my shorthand. "A Subway sandwich footlong is not always a foot long."


  "Dolphins sleep with one eye open. The largest padlock in the world weighs 916 pounds."

  "What kind of secrets is it keeping locked away?" I ask, finally feeling myself return to normal.

  "There's my girl." I hear the smile in his voice. "How are you feeling now?"

  "Better I guess. Will you stay on the phone with me as I cross?" I say the words before I realize that he was a part of the moment that stopped me in my tracks just minutes ago. "No, I'm sorry, I completely forgot," I say hurriedly.

  "Opal, it's alright. I wouldn't want it any other way. One step in front of the other alright?"

  "Okay." I press the button and wait for the lights to change. I know the girls are still confused at my behavior but this moment isn't about them.

  "What do you want to talk about while you walk? Want more facts? Want to hear a joke? I can sing ya a song?" he covers all the bases with his offers.

  "Sing me a song," I say with a faint smile. 

  "Any requests?"

  "Chris," I whisper feeling my anxiety pick up again.

  "Okay, Okay. I've got you." I hear him clear his throat in preparation, making a big deal over my request.

 "Paper doll silhouettes and fingertips on window glass. The street's asleep so I breathe you in deep. The tragedies of chemistry, people dream of what you and me have found, effortlessly. But you're the reason I come home. And you're the reason I come home, my love. You're the reason that when everything I know falls apart, you're the reason I come home." His voice, his words guide me across the street, keeping my breathing leveled.

  I release a sigh of relief as I take my last step up onto the sidewalk. "Thank you, love."

  "Anytime sweetheart. Enjoy your day. I love you."

 "I love you too."

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