I can't help but laugh. "That is definitely a surprising twist."  I expect him to go into detail further as I grab a slice of pizza from the box. But instead he just watches me, a wistful expression on his face. "Want to tell me what else the dream was about?"

  Chris looks like he's trying to decide how much information to divulge. "No, I don't think I will." He tosses a piece of orange chicken into his mouth. "But, I would like to discuss something with you."

  I sit up a bit straighter, preparing for the topic change that appears to be important. "I'm all ears, Evans."

  "What do you want to do for your birthday?"

  I exhale a sigh of relief. "Am I gonna get to see you? I'm shocked they'll let you have anymore time off."

  "It won't be much, but I've got two days off in a row. I just need to know how we're spending them so I can plan accordingly with travel and all."

  "Chris, you're exhausted. Why not just enjoy those two days at home, by yourself and rest?"

  He looks at me like I've lost my mind, silently questioning me what on earth am I talking about. "Because it's your birthday and I want to spend it with you. I don't care if we do absolutely nothing at all but watch movies and stuff our faces. I want to be with you any chance I can."

  Of course his words make my heart happy. I've never been in a relationship in which I'm constantly being pursued. Which, when you really think about it, is incredibly sad that the first time I experience it is within a relationship that is long distance. Pitiful really. 

  "Would it be better for me to come to you? Or we could meet somewhere, maybe?" 

  "It really depends on what you're comfortable with as far as traveling, Ope. Like I said, I'll go with whatever as long as I'm with you." 

  I minimize my screen in order to look up flights, along with opening up my calendar for Magnolia. Realization screams at me as it dawns on me that there's a wedding at Magnolia on my birthday.

  "What is it?" Chris asks, recognizing my change in demeanor as my cheery expression drops altogether. 

  I sigh, shaking my head. "I can't go anywhere. There's a wedding here on my birthday. I'll be spending it working."

  "I'll come to you then. I'm off on the 5th and 6th. It's fine, I don't mind."

  "You don't understand. It'll be pointless for you to be here." I groan aloud, angry. "I have the rehearsal the day before and then I'll be busy the entire day of." Chris doesn't look thrilled with my wording, and really neither am I so I backtrack quickly. "It's just I won't have any time to spend with you, and my attention and focus will be split, Chris. I'm sorry."

  "I get it," he says, his voice somber. "I'm sorry too."


Chris POV

  So, proposing on her birthday is definitely out of the question. I don't want to put her in a position in which her focus is divided. The Inn is much too important to her and her livelihood to jeopardize the event. 

  My attention is pulled from our call as I receive a text message from Spencer asking if now is a good time to call. "Spencer's texting me."

  "Interesting because Laura just text me too. Call you back in ten?" she offers. 

  "Sounds good. Bye babe." We disconnect and I dial Spencer. "What's up, man?"

  "There's been a slight hiccup with the wedding."

  "Okay. What exactly does that mean?" I ask.

  "We have to move it up to June. Looking at either the 15th or 21st. Either of those work for you?" he inquires.  

  Neither date stands out to me, outside of my birthday being June 13. "Pretty sure I'm good with either one. Why the change?"

  "The venue double booked, and we were second. But they had an opening for the 15th or 21st."

  "Do what you have to. We'll make it work. Anything else?"

  "We're thinking we'll do the Bachelor/Bachelorette party on the 13th if we go with the 15th. That alright?"

  Alright, I think to myself. That's perfect. "Sure, I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm sure Opal will be on board too. Is that why Laura needed her?"

  "Yeah, she's in a bit of a freak out mode with the change, having to make all these calls and try and get her dress finished quicker. It's a mess, but-"

  "It'll be worth it, Spence," I finish for him.  We talk for a few more minutes, myself reassuring him that it'll all be alright and I'll help however I can. I see an alert pop up on my tablet. "Hey, Opal's calling me. I'll see ya tomorrow."

  The call disconnects as I answer Opal. "So." she says with a surprised expression.

  "Know what this means?" I ask. 

  "My life just got more stressful," she quips back in response.

  I can't hold back the small chuckle that escapes my lips. "Means we get to see each other for my birthday."

  "Oh we do, don't we," she smiles. "I guess that's an even trade for the amount of work that just got piled on my plate." Her smile drops as she sighs wearily. "Crud."

  "What now?"

  She fake whimpers, her face in a scowl. "I have to change my flight. The airline probably recognizes my name by now."

  "I can't complain about that," I crinkle my nose with a grin. 

  "Laura said the wedding will be the 15th, so that means I need to fly in on..." her voice trails off as she tries to figure out the best day to travel.

  "The week before," I finish for her. She gives me a funny look. "Spend the week with me. Here."

  "A whole week before? Is that really necessary?"

  "First, have you met Laura?" She grimaces at the reminder of her friend and her attitude. "Second, please?" I pout with my biggest puppy eyes, poking out my lip further for an added benefit. 

  She narrows her eyes, her finger pointing at the screen. "I see what you're doing, Evans." I watch as she types off a text to someone. I continue to eat my Chinese dinner, watching the sun set outside my window. She then moves to typing something out on her laptop. "Okay," she says after receiving a response from whoever she text. "I can fly in on the 11th, and back home on the 17th. Does that work for you, Sergeant?" she playfully teases. 

  "I mean, it's not a full week," I state, watching her face, "but, I'll take what I can get."

  "Good thing because I'm not gonna be able to get away again until then," she admits, disappointed. 

  "It's alright, sweetheart. We'll make this work. I promise."

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