(18) Plan sucessful

Start from the beginning

It took a second to seep in what I said.

Then, Chase gasped loudly with his hand on his mouth. Theo stared at me with a hard face. His eyes showed pain.

"It's not like I didn't think that they'll never get hurt or tortured there for ten years. I had accepted the hard truth long back, but..Jamie", I shake my head as my eyes filled with tears again.

My sons kept staring at me not able to say anything. Chase was on the verge to cry.

"He was treated like this because of me", I whispered sadly.

Theo took a step forward immediately.

"Dad- " , He started, but I cut him off.

"No Theo! It's true. Massimo lost it in his anger of losing the mafia. Jamie paid for that! My fault!", I almost yelled in emotionally in anger.

Chase shed tears now. I wanted to hug him.

"Dad no stop it. You couldn't have done anything about it! Stop doing this to yourself for god sake! We had to take the mafia if we want to save them okay? There's no question about that", Theo said sternly.

It was as if the roles had shifted.

I shake my head sighing.

"It hurts me too Dad. James is my little brother. God it pains hear about this, but we have to stay strong. Not for us, but for them", Theo whispered softly.

"He was unconscious by the time Massimo was done", I said slowly as my heart hurt.

Yes. This is what kills me.

I looked up at him trying hard not to cry. Theo's jaw clenched. He closed his eyes and looking down controlling himself.

"God dammit", Theo muttered turning away in frustration.

I wipe the one tear that fell off.

He then shifted his gaze on Chase who was now sobbing silently.

Theo immediately hugged his brother. Chase hid his face in his chest and sniffed.

I looked at Theo as he glanced at me. I could see the sadness on his face.

None of us said anything as he rubbed Chase's back softly trying to comfort him.

This is why I didn't want to say anything to them.

God knows how Em, Dean and Troy will react.

"Dad kill the girl", Chase said suddenly sniffing.

I looked up at him in shock.

He pulled his head away from Theo's chest and stared at me with anger. Theo didn't seem surprised though.

"Kill the girl", Chase grit angrily wiping his tears.

"Chase", I whispered sadly.

"No do it! They fucking deserve it!", Chase yells angrily.

This is the Chase I wouldn't have recognised a while back. This is the change I was talking about.

He's not just the calm and composed anymore. He's like that most of the time, bit now he can be angry and real angry in certain situations like now.

"Chase you know we can't do that", I said softly.

"WHY NOT? They hurt our brother Jamie godammit! Haven't they been through enough! The Armani family needs a taste of their own medicine!", Chase growls angrily.

I sighed heavily. Theo was looking outside the window.

"Chase if we kill her then we won't get our family back", I tried to reason.

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