“Buona, buona!” I was completely lost and suddenly wish Kat to be here. The lady finally turned towards me and smiled before she looked back at Caleb questioningly.

“Nonna this is my friend, Jayden.”

“Ah, Jayden.” She nodded her head and winked to Caleb, he rolled his eyes still grinning.

“Well are you guys’ hungry?” She asked in a very heavy Italian accent, she was looking at me but both Caleb and Jarrod answered.

“Si!” I only knew that meant yes because of the hungry look on their faces.

They started to walk to the other side of the garage where everyone seems to disappear to. The woman fell into step beside me.

“Excuse my manners. I’m Guilia.” She gave me a very warm smile before taking my hand a squeezing it.

I nodded understanding now. I should of guessed that was her.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I smiled as brightly as I could to her.

“Likewise, bella.” I blushed; I don’t know why everyone keeps calling me that. At least now I know it meant ‘beautiful’ instead of just the dog’s name. But I still don’t think I’m ‘bella’.

 “I’ve heard a lot about you.” She smiled…again but this time it was mischievous, as if she told me a big secret, she wasn’t supposed to tell.

She looked pointedly to the boys that were fighting in front of us about fifteen feet away. We were outside now walking on a red stone path up to a cute little house behind the auto shop. It looks like one of those little comfy houses in ‘Snow White’ with smoke coming from the chimney, a light blue door, and a huge garden of yellow, purple, blue and orange flowers.

“Caleb is a very nice boy you know.” She stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I nodded, blushing yet again. Is it just me or does it seem like grandma was trying to hook me up?

“Yeah, I agree, he’s great.” I smiled looking up at the boys who were opening the little silver gate about 20 feet away from the house. Jarrod walked up to the house and disappeared inside, while Caleb held the gate for us.

“Ah just like I taught you, that’s my boy.” She looked up proud as she patted his chest walking by, I let her go through first and she winked at me.

“Jayden what do you think of my garden?” She stopped dead right in front of the house door.

I looked around at all of the flowers; there were way more colours up close then it seemed like from far.

“I think it’s beautiful.” I told her truthfully, smiling. What can I say that cute grin of hers was contagious.

“Which are your favourites?” I sighed, now I just think she’s putting me on the spot. Caleb laughed. He must be thinking the same thing.

“I like the tiger lilies.”  I said confidently.

“Why? Why not the tulips they’re pretty and delicate, or my petunias they’re natural and pure.”

“Nonna…” Caleb groaned.

I chuckled and nodded. “They’re pretty too, but I like tiger lilies because they’re exotic and beautiful.”

Guilia raised an eyebrow at me and nodded.

“I like you.” Then to Caleb, “she can stay.”

Caleb and I looked at each other and laughed. When she opened the door and walked in I held Caleb back.

“Was I being tested?”

he's the hot badass player, how cliche. (ON HOLD.)Where stories live. Discover now