I lean back in the chair, pinching away the wrapper to my beer. "I'm going back to Atlanta soon, assuming Opal's next check up is proving everything is still healing well."

  "Why don't you see about moving here, permanently?" Jameson inquires. 

  "Funny you should mention that," I reply, earning me a strange look from Spencer. "I've been looking around the area, but there's nothing right now."

  "Have you checked surrounding counties?" Anthony asks.

  I nod before taking a pull from my bottle. "I've checked within a thirty mile radius. Nothing."  

  "Can I be honest with you about something?" I give Jameson the go ahead to continue. "I'm shocked Opal has let you take care of her.  She's an incredibly independent woman."

  "I don't think she had too much of a choice this time," Spencer chimes in.

  "No, this is different. The girls could've easily helped her once she got home. But, she's letting you. Do you realize how big that is? This is the same girl who doesn't let any of them ever plan a trip. She's Miss Take Charge."

  I have taken note of everything Jameson had mentioned. She doesn't have a choice in the fact that she's vulnerable right now, but she didn't have to be vulnerable with me. Opal could've easily chosen one or two of the girls to help out, or even stayed with Pops. But she's not one to show any of them her vulnerability, that's a side of her that I get to experience. And it's something I will never take for granted.

  "You, dear friend, are holding one Opal Lillian Lucas in the palm of your hand," Anthony adds. "Don't screw it up."

  "Not planning on it." I check the time on my watch. "There's something I'd like to go and do before heading back, if that's alright with you all."


  It's right at eleven when I unlock the front door to Opal's home. I see three of the four sitting in the kitchen, all around the table in the breakfast nook. Rae notices the look of confusion on my face when I see that Opal isn't with them. 

  "She's asleep on the couch," she mentions with a nod towards the living room. "We made sure she took her meds."

  "I told her to go to bed, that we wouldn't mind, but she refused and fell asleep halfway through the first movie," Lily says as she stands up from the table. "We'll leave y'all to get some rest."

  "Thanks for coming and hanging out with her," I tell her as she hugs my neck. 

  "It's the only way I'd want to spend my last night in Jax." Laura gives me a kind smile as she moves towards me. "Take care of my girl," she whispers only for me to hear as she bids goodbye.

  I escort them all back to the front door, trying to keep them as quiet as possible. I stand on the porch until the last car's lights are headed down the road. Turning around I close and lock the door, turning off the porch light. 

  Finally, I move into the living room seeing the television still playing what's left of a Nicolas Sparks movie. Looking towards the couch I see Opal laying curled up on her side. The girls must have covered her up with the throw that usually rests on the back of the couch. She looks incredibly peaceful, causing me to question whether or not I should move her. While her couch is comfortable I can't imagine she'd prefer to spend a whole night asleep on it instead of her bed. 

  As carefully as I can I scoop her into my arms, leaving the blanket behind in a pile on the couch. Opal shifts in my arms, tucking her face against my neck. I hear her inhale deeply. "Chris," she whispers, her lips grazing my skin. 

  "I'm here, gorgeous." I continue my walk down her hallway until I reach her room. Her sheets are still pulled back from the nap she took earlier in the day. I go to set her down but she's managed to tighten her arms around me and I can't seem to release her. "Baby, you have to let go."

  "No," she answers causing my chest to shake as I chuckle. 

  "Are you awake?"

  "No," she giggles into my neck. 

  "Were you playing opossum with me Miss Lucas?" I look down at her, quirking my eyebrow. She smirks at me as she lifts her head off my shoulder. I'm close enough to the bed that I drop her without causing her any discomfort.

  "Not the whole time," she squeals innocently. 

  "Uh, huh...sure," I tease her. "Well everyone is gone now, so you can get some rest now. I'll see you in the morning." I lean over to kiss her. 

  "Stay with me for a bit, please?" 

  "Of course. Slide over." I climb into her bed, positioning myself for her to tuck into my left side. She curls up into me and rests her head on the left side of my chest, just over my heart. I don't realize until it's too late that I release a hiss.

  "What was that?" she asks. 

  "Nothing, love. You comfortable?"

  She rests her head once more as I try to keep my composure, that is until she shifts. "What is that?" She bolts upright and grabs the hem of my shirt. 

  "Getting bold there are ya?" I question her, trying to buy myself time.

  She lifts it up to reveal a bandage over the left side of my chest, directly over my heart. "Christopher, what is that?" 

  "Nothin."  She glares at me, knowing I'm lying. 

  "What happened?"

  I get out of the bed and carefully pull my shirt off. Carefully, I remove the bandage to reveal what she questioned me about, a new tattoo. Opal releases a small gasp. "Chris, is that-"

  "That is your heartbeat from when you came back to me."

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