Just Like His Father

Start from the beginning

This caused the man to raise an eye, taking in his sister's new emotions. She was always like this when he brought up the commission but he could never understand why. The girl hadn't told him anything about it either

No, it seemed every time she only brushed it off.

But as much as he was desperate to know what her change in attitude meant, the man withheld as he tried to speak with her logically. "Whoa, hold on there Hika-chan. More help would be a good thing, remember?"

Hikari didn't seem to feel the same though, scoffing under her breath. "Not from them."

Opening his mouth to question her strange word choice, Hawks then heard Endeavor speak to his right, the man hanging up his own phone call before turning serious. "Alright, the rest of the team should be here soon. We don't know what to expect so it is more logical to wait for them to arrive and then head to the liberation together."

Oh yeah, that's right. The war.

The bird had temporarily forgotten about the real problem at hand completely. Honestly, he was far more interested in Hikari's hate for the commission than anything else. Some hero he was, right?

Although that's when Hawks felt his face begin to pale at some sort of realization, the bird shifting around on his feet as his sister eyed him with a watchful gaze at the strange and new erratic movements.

Just then, the hero gave a small anxious laugh before lifting his wings upwards, almost like he had gotten the best idea in the entire world. "Hey, I got a great idea. How about I scout ahead so that way we don't have to go in blind? Sounds good, right?"

Sure, his words didn't seem out of the ordinary, in fact they made sense completely. Endeavor literally just said that they were going in blind for all of this and having Hawks arrive before everyone would give the group a heavy advantage.

But it was the way he said it, the way he shifted around and brought it up out of the blue that made Hikari raise a suspicious eye. She was a Takami also after all, and the one thing she could sniff out the best was when someone was trying to manipulate her.

Back when she was pretending, the girl had forced herself to ignore it but right now it was obvious to tell that Hawks' grand plan wasn't just about giving them the upperhand, there was something else there, she just knew it.

Because of that, the girl felt her hand latch onto the hero's jacket in a single second before turning to the group and giving a fake lighthearted chuckle, one that caused Hawks' to immediately flinch. "Excuse me, I need to talk to my boss for a second."

Laughing nervously at the reappearance of her fake personality, the bird nodded back once before looking down at her hand in order to pull it off of him. "O-Oh yeah, sure this fellow sidekick of mine, let me just.."

Hikari didn't have time for his bullshit though, immediately removing five feathers from her wings before forcing the objects to push him backwards and stumble into a nearby bush. "Whaaa!"

Groaning as the man hit the ground, the feathers floated away before the hero found his sister standing above him, authority in her stance. And she looked pissed, like really really pissed.

She allowed her brother to stumble to his feet before immediately letting her voice come out, dark and serious. "Just what are you trying to play, Kei? There's definitely an underlying method to your shady ass plan, now spill."

The bird didn't expect her to call him out so quickly though as the man went into panic mode in order to deny like he always did when someone suspected something. It was a reflex by now, lying. "What are you talking about, Hika-chan, I'm not.."

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