Chapter 61.

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TW: Scenes of a slightly sexual nature (not full blown smut but still spicy enough to warrant a warning).

"James." Mia moaned.

James head was situated in the crook of Mia's neck between her collar bone and shoulder. His tongue soothed over the deep red mark he had just previously made with his lips.

He lent up on his arms either side of her head and looked down at her with a smirk.

"Yes love?" He said in a sultry tone.

Mia simply hummed in response. She gently moved a piece of hair from his forehead and stared into his hazel eyes.

"Don't stop." She whispered. James' eyebrows arched in surprise.

Shock cascaded over him as he thought about what she just said. Was she really saying go all the way? He couldn't quite fathom the extent he was meant to go. Sweat collected on his brow as panic shot through his veins.

Sex was a messy subject for them both. They wish they could say that they sat down neatly like adults and discussed their precise boundaries and expectations. But they didn't.

Because they weren't perfect.

They were teenagers in love.

And they knew and loved each other well enough to know when one or the other was uncomfortable.

They were in the moment. All consumed by the sparks that flared between them when they merely touched.

So James carried on. He kissed down her torso paying particular attention to the faded marks on her skin.

What she would call imperfections he would call the gold dustings on a masterpiece.

She was still clad in a pair of tartan pajama bottoms and her bra. But with a sudden surge of confidence she looked him right in the eye and nodded.

He knew what she meant.

He gently placed his hands behind her on her back to lift her into a sitting position and in a swift movement he unhooked her bra letting it fall forward.

Never in her life had she felt more exposed. She particularly did not like the way this exposure felt. As she was sat up her stomach rolled a little bit and in her opinion it made her breasts look awful. They certainly did not look a perfectly round and perky as the women in muggle magazines.

But she was not meant to look like them. She was meant to look like her.

Like Mia. In all her glory. And James could not get enough of it.

He pushed her back down and dominantly wrapped his hand round her throat slightly.

His mouth encased her in a raging kiss. Fire blazed between their lips as their tongues danced like embers. His fingers squeezed slightly eliciting a pleasured moan from Mia. The subtle vibrations that entered his mouth made him groan simultaneously. His hand had trailed softly up her torso and come to rest on the curve of her chest. His fingers delicately traced every dip and curve as if committing the map of her body to memory. He released her neck and pressed his forehead against hers.

Their eyes clashed like a cool wave of water. A stark contrast to the sweltering heat between their bodies. He gazed down his love sincerely pouring adoration onto her with his stare.

"You're so beautiful Mimi." He whispered.

Her eyes gently watered as she looked at the man she loved.

Since losing her magic she had not yet felt anything as strongly as the love festering in her heart she had for James Potter.

James's hand resumed massaging her as she tipped her head back in pleasure. As his thumb rubbed the sensitive tip on the curvature of flesh she let out a loud moan.

She had never felt pleasure like it and they had barely begun.

Their lips met again and Mia's fingers gingerly reached for the strings on James's joggers.

He looked at her reassuringly that he too was comfortable with the progression they were making.

Even though it was all in the moment. It was the best moment of both of their life's combined.

As her fingers grazed the waistband a sharp voice echoed through the room.

"Prongs you better fucking not be fucking my sister." Sirius's voice yelled up the stairs from the common room.

They could faintly hear Remus attempting to drag Mia's twin from the stairwell to leave the lovers in peace but the poor boy was to no avail.

"Me? Shagging your fit ass sister? Wouldn't dream of it Pads!" James yelled at the door.

Mia blushed profusely and swatted his bare chest.

"James! Now the whole common room knows we were about to shag!" She said as she buried her head in her hands.

"That's it! Cover up slags, I'm coming up!" Sirius shouted defensively.

"Don't you dare!" Mia screeched as she scrabbled for a discarded shirt or sweater.

Just as the door handle rattled, James was able to drag her arms through the holes and pat her hair down to make her look less post-shag-but- actually-pre-shag-because-they-got-interrupted-mid-shag.

Sirius burst through the door with a dishevelled look on his face.

"Is it that time already? Do we need to have..." Sirius paused his speech as he grimaced.

"...the talk." He wretched out.

Mia and James both grabbed a pillow and lobbed it with great force towards the boy.

"Get the fuck out you rat." Mia shouted.

The boy screamed as the pillows smashed into his head as he ran out the door.

Mia groaned as she realised everyone would now be nagging them about their sex life.

James laughed and rubbed her back.

"Maybe the universe is trying to tell us to abstain. This is the second time this has happened." James said through genuine chuckles. Mia looked up at him with rosy cheeks and laughed too.

After cuddling for a few moments they decided to collect themselves and join their friends in the common room considering it was the last day before the Easter holidays.

They each smoothed down their hair and clothes and walked hand in hand down the stairs.

"Mia and James sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love. Then comes Marriage. Then comes a baby in a big fat magic golden carriage!" Marlene and Gideon cheer as the couple slumped on a sofa.

"Well who knows Gid maybe the baby's already on its way?" Fabian joked laughing. Everyone roared with laughter at this.

Mia and James let out a small chuckle but they were too busy staring at each other really join in.

Two people who both thought they were too inadequate to love or to be loved. Found solace in the arms of each other. What a weird yet beautiful thing. Two broken things make a whole. Or maybe two broken things fix each other.

Whatever it was they did not care. But they did know for sure.

That love was a beautiful thing.

Bruh I'm scared to write smut. Let me know if it's something anyone actually wants in this book or not and also please let me know what you thought of this shit bit of spice. Love you guys. ❤️

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